chapter 32

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*continued from where we left it at last time, more information about Bella's past*

--- TW mention of sexual assault ---

Vivian Pov

I couldn't even find words to express what I was feeling...  Someone hurt our baby..  Someone hurt her and her own family abandoned her..

I held both of them close, Gloria held Bella to her chest, rubbing her back gently and pressing soft kisses on her head every couple of minutes

"Do you wanna talk about it darling?" I asked softly, moving some hair away from Gloria's face, she's been staring at Bella who fell asleep on her lap at some point

"She's been through so much" Gloria whispered softly, moving a little so she could lay comfortably against me and bella was tucked nicely on her lap

"I know babe, I know, it's not fair" I whispered kissing her head, "you think we should ask her about this?" I asked softly, tracing random patterns on her back

"We can try babe, but if she doesn't want to talk, I won't force her" Gloria said, making me nod my head in agreement

"Ask me what?" Bella whispered softly, turning to snuggle further into Gloria, but by the tone of her voice I could tell that she's no longer little anymore

"About what happened when you were little" I whispered softly, tucking some of her hair behind her ear

I felt her stiffen at the mention of that and her eyes turned glossy instantly, "shh love, you don't need to talk about it if you don't want to, but we are here to listen if you do" Gloria soothed her

"I-I don't want you both to know how broken I am.... H-how bad I am" She whispered in a hesitant voice, it was so soft that I could just barely make out what she said

"Baby girl, you are not broken and you are not bad. Some things happened in the past, that hurt you, that is NOT your fault. Whatever happened it's in your past. It's important yes, but that incident alone doesn't define you. You are so so strong my little girl" I whispered softly kissing her head

Her eyes were teary and a couple of them making their way down her cheeks, she sifted in Gloria's lap and lunged towards me, hugging me tight "Thank you, ever since my parents died I haven't heard anyone else say that"

I held her close and rubbed her back, till she calmed down a little bit "if you wanna talk about it we can baby girl, if you don't want to that's absolutely okay too" Gloria said softly, wiping away some of her stray tears

Bella POV

It was hard opening up about something that I never wanted to re live again, but Gloria and Vivian made me feel so safe and so happy

The safest i've felt since my parents passed away, they were really amazing people, my first mama and mummy, mama christine and mummy helene

I decided to trust my gut and talk about one of my hardest time ever, and I really hope this doesn't change anything between us because I don't think I'll be able to live with that

"It um..  It happened when I was 8, I didn't even knew what he did to me was wrong till I grew up and realised what had happened to me" I whispered softly,  and vivian subconsciously pulled my closer calming my nerves

"There was this boy in my class...  Mike, he seemed nice but he was always very touchy, I didn't think much of it because it would usually happen when we were playing games like tag in our class and touching was a part of the game, but his touch always seemed to linger" I said softly, shivering slightly at the mention of the memory

"One day his father came to pick him up, his dad's name was Michael, and Mike adored his father, anything his father said was final for him, no matter what his father said he would do it" I said taking in a deep breath, resting my back on Vivian's chest leaning into her

"It's okay baby, we've got you" Vivian whispered softly pressing a kiss to my head making me nod and continue

"He stared at me the whole time he was in class, he came for a parent observation, I was too focused on my parents to notice that he was focusing more on me rather than his own son"

I sniffled softly wiping my cheeks and continuing in a Whisper "the next day he came back and said his dad told him to make me his, and that we would play a 'game' which would be really fun" I snickered thinking how I could be that stupid...

"He made me touch him, for days, a-and i didn't even know what I was doing, one day he said that he wanted to touch me down there too...  And I said no, h-he didn't look too happy with my response but he said okay, I was relieved that day" I sniffled a little more, knowing the hardest part is going to come now

"The next day at the time of pick up, my parents were late by 10 minutes and Mike's father saw me waiting and came to me, insisting that he would drop me and that he didn't feel safe leaving me alone, I was a bit sceptical but I said yes because he was technically a parent of a boy I considered a friend"

I chocked back a sob as a finished the sentence and sunk into vivian turning around hiding into her chest "I n-never made it home.... H-he touched me and hurt me lots" I whispered the last part closing my eyes and just enjoying the feeling of being held

"I'm so so proud of you my baby and you're so strong my little girl, so brave" Gloria said her hand running through my hair

I nodded and cuddled into vivian feeling very exhausted all of a sudden and fell into a light sleep

Even though I just talked about one of the darkest time of my life, staying with vivian and Gloria I still felt so safe and loved and comfortable, they are my happy place and I'm so glad I met them

This chapter was kind of emotional and hard to write....  Next chapter is going to be pure fluff which I think is really needed after this super emotional chapter

I hope you guys enjoyed this! Let me known in your comments what you think about it

Thank you for all the support you guys have given me

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