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Things with Charlie and Tom were getting worse. They were always arguing and Charlie didn't know what she had done. But their relationship wasn't the same.

Charlie woke that morning and saw that Tom wasn't in bed. She rolled her eyes and got dressed. She made her way downstairs. She saw Tom sitting at the table. "Why didn't you come to bed?" She asked.

"I fell asleep watching TV. I didnt wake till half 6," Tom said as he handed her a cup of coffee. He looked at her. "Are you okay?"

Charlie nodded and sighed. She sat down and ate some toast. She looked to him. "What's going on with us? We're just not getting on at all."

Tom shrugged. "I think we're fine."

"But we're not. We're always arguing. And you might think we're not. But we are," she told him.

Tom sighed. He stood up and kissed her. "I said I'd meet with Max. He wants to talk to me about becoming assistant head. Can you ask Mia to pick you up?"

Charlie rolled her eyes but nodded. She grabbed her phone and text Mia. Tom kissed her and left the house. She looked to his retreating figure and sighed.

Charlie walked out to Mia's car. She smiled. "What's happened now?" She asked as she looked to Charlie.

Charlie sighed. "He didn't come to bed. And then this morning, he has the cheek to tell me that my brother is giving him a job."

Mia frowned. She looked to her. "I was with Max this morning. He never mentioned that to me."

"So he's lying?"

Mia shrugged and sighed. "Max was with me this morning. He just hasn't mentioned anything about that to me," she told her.

"Oh. Okay."

Charlie went into work. She saw her brother and smiled. "So did you give Tom the job?" She asked.

Max frowned. "What job?"

"The assistant head thing. He told me he was meeting you this morning to talk about an assistant head. Did I get that wrong?" Charlie asked.

Max nodded. "Yeah. I was with Mia until 8 this morning. And then I came here and was the only one. So I don't know why he's told you that."

Charlie sighed. "You're not going to hurt Mia again are you?"

"I'm going to try not to."

"Good. Because I'd have to kill you."

Charlie was sitting in her classroom. She looked up as Tom walked in. "I got your text. What's up?" He asked.

"Why did you lie to me? You said you were with Max. But you weren't. He was with Mia until at least 8am this morning. So why did you lie?"

Tom sighed. "I do have a meeting with Max. But it's not until next week. I just wanted to give us a small break from each other."

Charlie nodded. She looked to Tom who had a frown on his face. "Why are you checking up on me? Don't you trust me?" He asked.

"It's not about trust. It's about you lying to me. And you know you are. You told me you were with my brother. And you weren't," Charlie said as she looked to him.

Tom rolled his eyes and looked to her. "Stop checking up on me. This is why we're falling out."

Charlie spent the day in a bad mood. She hated how Tom had accused her of not trusting him. She looked up as Mia walked in. "What happened?" She asked.

"Tom. He told me that the reason we're having these issues is cause Im checking up on him. I don't wanna be that way. I can't help it. I just.... I don't know. It feels messy," Charlie mumbled.

"Babes. It's nothing you've done. It's him. He's the one being secretive with you. Talk to him. Find out once and for all what's going on," Mia said.

Charlie knew she had to find out just what was going on with Tom. But would she like the answers she got?

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