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Charlie knew how she wanted Tom back. She knew how much she missed him. She knew how much she was in love with him.

She knew she just wanted him to love her again. She didn't know what she had done wrong for him to turn on her like he did. She hated it.

All she knew was that she missed him like mad. And she didn't think she could cope without him.

When she woke that morning, she checked her phone. She saw a text from Tom saying he was picking her up that night and taking her for dinner. He wanted to talk.

Charlie replied back to him. She smiled as she got out of bed. She left the bedroom to see Mia there. "Hey. Is everything okay?" Mia asked.

Charlie nodded and smiled. She looked to her. "Tom text me. He wants to take me out. He wants us to talk," she told her.

Mia smiled. She looked to her. "That's good. At least you can talk things through. I know it's been hard for you. But you're gonna be okay. I think you're both gonna make this work," she said.

Charlie sighed. "I just hope that we can make this work. I love him. And not that I'm not appreciative of you letting me stay here. But there's only so many times I wanna hear my brother having sex," she told her.

Mia smirked. "Well I love hearing him having sex with me."

"You would. At least you're getting some. I'm not."

Mia winked as she looked to her. "You do know there is equipment to help with that. You don't have to be without an orgasm," she said.


Charlie went into work. She saw Tom and smiled. "I got your text. What time were you thinking?" She asked.

Tom looked to her. "About half 6. I've booked a table for 7:15. So be ready for half past 6," he told her.

Charlie nodded. She smiled. "I'm glad we can talk about this. I want us to work," she said.

"Me too. Let's just talk first of all. To see if we can be fixed," he said as he walked off.

Charlie stood there and sighed. She knew how tense and awkward it was. She knew she was going to make it work.

She knew it was going take some time. But it had to work. She wanted it too.

Charlie was sitting in her classroom. She looked to see Max as he walked in. He sat down. "Are you okay?" He asked.

Charlie nodded. She looked to him. "I'm good. I'm meeting Tom tonight for dinner. And we're going to talk. I just want it to work out for us. Me and him. It's all I want," she told him.

Max smiled. "As long as he doesn't hurt you again. You're my sister. And I don't want him hurting you. Or upsetting you. I will have to upset him."

Charlie rolled her eyes but smiled. She knew how protective of her that Max was. And she was grateful ti him. Especially knowing how much of a jerk he could be at times.

Charlie looked to him. "Thanks Maxy. And make sure you make it work with Mia. I'll choose her side all the way," she told him.

Max rolled his eyes and left. Charlie knew how she wanted nothing more than to have an happy ever after. But she knew it wasn't going to be easy.

Charlie sat in Mia's flat after she had gotten dressed. She looked to her and sighed. "Do I look over the top?" She asked.

Mia shook her head and smiled. "You look amazing. You can knock him dead," she told her.

Charlie smiled a little. She looked to her best friend. "Thanks. I just... I don't know. I want him to know I want him."

Mia looked to her. "You're gonna be okay. I promise."

Charlie shrugged and sighed. But she had no idea how Tom was fighting for his life.

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