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Charlie was annoyed that Tom hadn't turned up for their date. She was sitting there like an idiot and he didn't turn up. She felt hurt that he had gotten her hopes up just for him to let her down.

She didn't know what his excuse was. And she didn't care. She just felt like it was all getting too much for her.

She knew how she wanted it to work with Tom. But she didn't know how. Everything was getting too much for her.

And she had no idea how to deal with all that had happened. She wanted to know what was going on with Tom.

All she knew was that she was going to get to the bottom of what was going on. And she wasn't going to give up.

When she woke that morning, she saw Mia walking in. She smiled. "Hey. I sent your brother to get us pancakes. Are you okay?" Mia asked.

"No. Tom made me feel like he wanted to give us another go. Then he doesn't even bother turning up. What the hell is it all about?" She said.

Mia sat down and sighed. "Maybe he was busy? Something could have come up. Talk to him at work today. And see what he says," she said.

Charlie shrugged and sighed. She didn't know what to think anymore. She felt like it was all pointless.

Charlie went into work. She looked around but she couldn't see toms car. She sighed and walked inside.

She saw Steph and smiled. "Hey. I don't suppose Tom is here?" She asked.

Steph shook her head. She smiled. "No. He's not here yet. I think Rachel is calling him to find out what's happened," she told her.

Charlie nodded. She saw Max and sighed. "Has Tom called to say if he's calling in sick?" She asked.

Max shook his head. "Is he not here?"

"No. His car isn't here. He stood me up. And I just... can't be bothered with it," she told him.

Max pulled her into his arms and smiled. "You're going to be okay. Tom is an ass for letting you down. You're going to find someone who can actually treat you like the queen you are."

Charlie sighed. "I only want tom though. He's the love of my life. I only want him," she said.

Max looked to her. He sighed. "I want you to be happy. So if he makes you happy, then stick with him," he told her.

Charlie was sitting in the staffroom. Tom hadn't turned up for work. She sighed as she tried calling him. He wasn't picking up.

She smiled as Mia walked in. "He's avoiding me here now. What the hell have I done?" She mumbled.

Mia took her hand. "Nothing at all babes. He's not worth the upset. You've got this."

Charlie arrived outside of Tom's house. She walked up the path and began knocking the door. It was opened a few moments later. "Where's Tom?" She asked.

"He's in hospital. He was in a car accident. And it's not looking good. I'm Chlo. His stepdaughter."

Charlie stood there in shock. But was Tom going to be okay?

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