Chapter three

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Chapter three:

Harry's P.O.V

She was beautiful. Her long brown hair was slightly wavy, she looked kinda nerdy with her glasses, but in a cute way. She was short maybe 5'3 or 5'4.Her green eyes sparkled in the light. "Hi um I'm Gabby Demi's sister, I was wondering if Demi is here?" She said with a smile. I didn't know I why but I felt so nervous, I couldn't form my words, "umm no I'm sorry she isn't here she went out with Niall last night" I said, a worried look came on her face, "well um could you let me know when she's back, I need to talk to her and she isn't answering her phone" she said while handing me her number, "sure" I said. She turned around and started to walk to her car, "wait!" I yelled while running after her, "um I was wondering if you will like to watch a movie with me tonight?" I said, I couldn't believe I just ran after her like that,but I could see that beautiful smile grow on her face, "yeah for sure" she said with a smile, "I'll pick you up at 6:00pm?" I said, "sounds great!" She said, "I'm sorry I gotta go" she said while looking at her phone, "see you then" I said, "bye" she sad while hoping into her car. "Who's that?" Zayn said while rubbing his eyes, "umm Gabby she's Demi sister" i said while blushing at the ground, "she's pretty" Zayn said with a smile, "she's mine! I already asked her out" I said, "okay okay okay, plus I already have a girl" Zayn said, "really is it Alyssa?" I said, "yeah" Zayn said, "dude she isn't right for you, you deserve better" I said, "I know but I still love her" Zayn said. "Wear a blazer and a white t-shirt under it" Zayn said, "why..?" I said, "it's supposed to rain tonight so your shirt will get all wet and it will stick on to you, that will turn her on" Zayn said with a wink, I laughed and went back up stairs. She was different by the other girls I dated before, I never really felt like this before.


Gabby's P.O.V:

"Oh my god!" Jane yelled with excitement, "you are going on a freaking date with Harry styles!", "calm down!" I said "it's just normal date", "what are you going to wear?" Fran said, "wear something sexy!" Jane said while tossing you a tight red dress, "seriously Jane? I'm not wearing that" I said, "I know!" Fran said, "we can go shopping for a outfit for gabby tonight and we need dresses for Williams party this weekend". Jane kept on going on and on about the party and Harry, she can be really annoying sometimes but still that what made her special it was kinda like her role in the best friend group thing, like I'm the fashionable one, Fran's the calm and laid back one, and Jane is the annoying hyper smart one, well you and fran were smart but not as smart as Jane. "How about this one?" Jane said while holding a dress in front of her, "that's nice" you said, "god gabby! You've been saying that for every dress" Jane said, "seriously Jane! Like really?! My sister is gone and I'm going on a date tonight and all you can think about is yourself!" You yelled at her, you got up and started to walk away, "gabby wait! I'm sorry" Jane said, you ignored her. Sometimes Jane can be so selfish! You walked into you favourite store, it was a vintage one. Wow you thought to yourself while you looked at the navy blue high low dress with a heart cutout in the back, it wasn't vintage, but still it was your style. "200$" the clerk said, "umm thanks" you said while walking to put it away, you weren't going to buy a dress that you would only wear once, "Gabby?" Someone said behind you, it was a mans you turned around. It was William, "oh hey William" you said, "gabby" he said while giving you a hug, "what are you doing here?" You said trying to sound nice, "oh I'm just getting some stuff for the party this weekend, you are coming right?" He said, "yeah of course!" You said, "that's a nice dress" he says while picking it up, "yeah I guess" you say, "here I'll get it for you" he says while taking it to the cashier, "William! No you don't have to" you said, "I want to" he said with a smirk, "umm thanks" you said as William handed you the dress, "I hope you wear that to the party" he said with a smirk and walked away. Was William falling for you again? He wouldn't he's the one who broke up with you, well you both kinda wanted to break up, since William just wanted to take your relationship fast, but you wanted it slow. You hated the fact that William would always buy you stuff, you hated it when people got you stuff for no reason, cause they alway want something in return. You walked into the food court, you ordered some fries. There's Jane with Fran, you heard your phone buzz, the text said "Hi it's Harry, just wanted to let you know that we are watching a movie tonight :) what movie do you want to watch?". You couldn't think of any movie that you wanted to watch that wasn't a chick flick. "Hey gabby" Fran said taking the seat beside you, "where'd you go?" Fran said with concern, "umm me and Jane kinda got into a fight.." You said, "yeah I can tell" Fran said, "well she's being all selfish!" You said, "gabby you know she's been having a rough time" Fran said, "rough time? Really my sister is gone! My ex boyfriend just bought me a 200$ dress and I have a date tonight plus my whole family is gone one is missing and the rest went on a trip, so please tell me again what is a rough time" you said, "I know gabby but she just broke up with her boyfriend" Fran said, "just? That was like 2 years ago!" You said, "gabby just like give her some time" Fran said, "I guess so" you said, "oh what did you buy" Fran said while grabbing the bag. "oh my god this is beautiful" Fran said, "are you going to wear this tonight?", "of course not! We are going on a movie date" you said. "Sh*t" Fran mumbles under her breath, "what?" You said, "we have a volley ball game tonight! The freaking school wants to play us again" Fran said, "Really? Do I have to play?" You said, Fran laughs and said, "gabby you are the team captain we need you or else we won't win", "thanks but I don't wanna cancel on Harry" you said, "ask him if he wants to watch" Fran said, "it will be awkward! He will be watching me in my shirt short jumping around. That sounds like a perfect first date" you said, "I'm just trying to help" Fran said while stealing some of your fries, "fine ill text him saying he can watch if he wants to and after we can watch a movie if the game ends early" you said while taking out your phone, "the game will end at 7:00" Fran said, "oh okay thanks" you said while giving her a smile. You stood there in front of the mirror while you tied your hair back into a pony tail, "is Jane coming to watch?" You yelled, "Maybe I think she stills mad at you though" Fran yelled through the bathroom, "god! Why does she always do this!" You yelled, "Im sure she will be there gabby she never missed any of our games before" Fran said while walking out of the bathroom, "and why do u get to wear a pink head band when everyone else has to wear blue ones?" Fran said, "cause I'm the teams captain" you said with a smile, "how could you be the team captains? You're so short" Fran said, you glare at Fran and said "your shorter than me though", "oh yeah.." Fran said with embarrassment. "So what did Harry say?" Fran said while outing in her shoes, "he said its fine" you said while smiling at the ground. Just the thought of hanging out with Harry made you smile, "you better play you A game since Harry is watching" Fran said, "please I always play my A game" you said while Fran started to laugh. "Hey can you pack me my clothes to change into after? I just gotta call my mom" you said while taking out your phone, "sure" Fran said, "nothing sexy!" You yelled while walking out of the door.

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