Chapter twenty five

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Chapter twenty five:

Harry's P.O.V:

Christmas morning. I woke up beside Gabby. I watched her for a while all her features were even more beautiful when she was asleep. I turned over at the clock, 8:30am. I didn't know why I woke up so early, but I decided just to go make Gabby breakfast in bed, since she was pretty sad about her mom not being here. I looked around for my shirt. Gabby. She was wearing it, it was really cold but I didn't want to wake her, I looked through her closet for a over size shirt, cause she seemed like a type of person that wear loose shirts over skin tight shirts. Nothing! It doesn't matter anyway since no one was home. I leaned against the counter. Gabby didn't seem like you know a supernatural, I watched tons of movies and read books about them, Gabby just didn't fit into them. And it was weird a world of humans was not filled with supernaturals, is that even what they're called? I know I shouldn't be thinking of Gabby differently, she is human. She's more like a human that's just has special abilities. "Well hello there" I heard someone say, I turned around thinking it was Gabby. "Oh hello there Mrs.Lovato" I said sticking out my hand for her to shake it. "Hello Harry!" She smiled while shaking my hand. I continue cooking the food, I then realized that I was half naked, I was just wearing my boxers. "Harry may I ask why are you here?" She says while putting her bag on the counter, "I guess you haven't heard but I'm kinda dating gabby" I said while scratching the back of my head. "Really?" She said confused, "um yeah" I said, "really? " she asked again, "yes! " I laughed, "well you better go get her" she smiled. I ran upstairs, totally embarrassed that the first time I met Gabby's mom as her boyfriend is when I'm half naked. I opened the door, gabby was still peacefully sleeping. I crawled into bed, I left a soft little peck on her lips, hoping that she'll wake up. Nothing. I wrapped my arms around her pecking at her lips repeatedly. Still noting, Gabby was a really heavy sleeper. I didn't want to wake her up with me calling her name. I decided to go for a more passionate kiss. I suddenly felt her kiss be back, "good morning" I said pulling away from her. "You know you could have just called my name?" She smirked, "I liked my way better" I smirked. She suddenly kissed me, I was shocked at her but I kissed her back, "merry Christmas" she said through the kiss, "merry Christmas" I smiled. I didn't want to tell gabby that her mom was home, I wanted it to be a surprise. Called my mom and the boys o wish them a merry Christmas. I logged on to twitter to say merry Christmas. I scrolled through some of the tweets, I started not to care about hate, but when it got sent to gabby that was just too far. And I hated when people who ask if we're officially dating! I already said it in a interview already. "Gabby!" I called, "one sec!" She yelled back. She walked out hair parted to side, wearing a pink t-shirt and grey yoga pants. "Heres your shirt" She smiled while throwing the shirt at me. "Thanks" I said while quickly putting on my shirt. She cuddled into bed with me, "what are you doing?" She asked while ill pulled out my phone and held it far from our faces. "Taking some pictures" I smiled, "why?" She asked, "just cause" I replied back. I snapped a few pictures. My favourite one is when I kissed her cheek and she just smiled at the ground. I didn't know if I should tweet it or if I should change my profile picture to this. "Gabby can I see your laptop?" I asked, "why?" She asked while giving me a confused look, "just wanna go on twitter" I said, "but you can do that on your phone can't you?" She said, "please" I said wile giving her puppy dog eyes, "pretty please" I said again while pecking at her lips. "Okay okay!" She said while turning around to get her laptop. I logged onto my twitter and posted some of the pics. And replied back to the people who asked if we're official. "Here" gabby said while sitting beside me with a box in her hands, "you didn't have to get me anything" I said, "I wanted to" she smiled while handing me the box. I smiled as I took the box, I opened the box. I was stunned as I saw a Rolex watch. "Oh my god" I said holing up the watch, "your welcomed" she smiled. I hugged her close, "thank you" I whispered into her ear, "your welcome" she smiled. I pulled away from the hug, I stared into her beautiful eyes, they were a light green now, they were usually a dark green maybe even brown. "Your eyes" I said, "what about them? She questioned, "they're blue" I said looking deeper in her eyes. She turned her face, I could only see her hair now. "They change when my mood changes" she mumbled, "so what does blue stand for?" I asked, "happiness and love" she said while turning her head back around. I smirked before kissing her. I found it so interesting how this whole supernatural thing was. "Gabby" I said pulling away from the kiss, "yeah?" She said, "I've got another surprise for you" I said while getting out of bed, "aww really Harry?" She smiled while getting up as well, "it's downstairs" I said while walking to the door. I watched her walk down the stairs, "aren't you coming?" She said while turning around, "you first" I said. "Mom!" I heard her yell from downstairs. I ran downstairs, leaning against the bar, she hugged her mom with a smile so big on her face. "Thank you" she mouthed to me.

Jane's P.O.V:

Christmas morning! My room was now taken my another patient, Linda said my parents were so surprise to see that I woke up so fast and healed so quickly. But I'm guessing that she compelled them, since my parents aren't gullible at all. She was supposed to be here here by now. I guess everyone is a little late. I sat on the chair in the cafeteria. Was I ghost now? Well I guess I kinda was. I always wondered what it will be like when you're dead, like can you still kinda like live in the real world but no one could see you? Or was this only because we're supernatural. I couldn't leave this hospital cause Linda put a bound on the hospital and so I couldn't leave. It was now 11:30am.I know she was supposed to be here at 5:00pm but we changed our plans. She's supposed to be here by 9:00am. There was no way to contact her. I looked out of the window, Linda said she'll compel the person at the form desk to let her in, to my old room. I walked around the hospital, I didn't know what I was looking for, maybe a good book, a tv that actually had a good show on. "Monica Shall". My heart sunk, I'll recognize that name anywhere. She was gabby old BFF. They broke up because she chose some other girl to be her friend instead of gabby. But that was years ago, she and gabby still talked but I don't know they just couldn't really pick up from there. But gabby alway said that she has some problems. I looked at the clip board that was "hanging underneath her name "attempt of suicide". Tears filled my eyes as I read more. I finally knew why gabby started to hang out with her more and talked to her more. I didn't know why gabby was like this but she could hate your guts but if you have a problem she'll always be there for you even if you treated her horribly she'll always be there for you no matter what you have done. I opened the door, she was sleeping. I sat on the chair beside her bed. I didn't know her that well, but that fact that someone from our school tried to kill the self broke my heart. I saw the cuts on her wrist, and then I noticed a scar around her neck, it looked like she tried to hang herself. I broke down into tears. I didn't know why she would try to end her life. She was beautiful, skinny tall blonde with dark brown eyes. And she was smart and funny and seemed to get along with everyone. Except for the person she ditched gabby for, they got into a huge fight and now they hate each other. I wish I could have been there for her, just to try to stop her from doing this. "There you are!" I heard a voice say behind me, "oh umm hey" I said wiping away my tears. "Do you know her?" Linda asked while sitting beside me, "umm yeah cam we change back now?" I said trying to change the subject. "Sweetie I need a little more time" she said with a huge smile. I was completely shocked. "No! No way! You promised!" I yelled while getting up, "Jane! If you don't let me do this you'll be stuck like this forever!" She said trying to be quiet, "Jane? Is that you?" I heard Monica say behind me, "forget about everything and go to sleep and wake up in a few hours" Linda said while compelling her. "Change me back!" I yelled whole walking to the door and locking it. "Ha! What are you gonna do? You're basically a ghost?" She mocked, "trust me I've done my re-search" I said. I knew exactly what I was going to do. Just like what Demi try to do with me, crawl into her body and take it over. And plus she couldn't kill me, since I was already dead. "Change me back!" I yelled, "ouuu I'm so scared of a ghost" she taunted. I walked up in front of her, listening to Fran really paid off. "What are you doing?!" She cried while trying to move. I had her paralyze as I tried to get inside her. "Change me back now!" I yelled, "fine ill do it?" She yelled while tears streamed down her face. I pulled away as she collapsed to the ground. I woke up in the chair beside Monica's bed, I looked down it was me. She was sleeping and I didn't want to wake her. I walked out of the room as nurses smiled at me. I was alive.

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