Chapter eighteen

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(Still Gabby's p.o.v.)

This chapter will have some violence so beware!

Rated: PG 13

Chapter eighteen:

Gabby's P.O.V:

I stood there in shock, staring at the ashes. I fell to my knees, tears filled my eyes as I picked up her ring. There was a note underneath it. "Be careful with the ring epically who you give it to. I'm sorry gabby I got you in this mess. Tell Demi I'm sorry too. Once you put on the ring you will be immortal, and when you take it off, this happens. It only works on supernaturals. But if you give it to a moral, they will become immortal until they take it off and then they'll be normal. I love you gabby, I'm so sorry" the note said. I bursted out in tears. I know I didn't know her that well but still she was my mom. But what did she mean it was her fault I'm in this trouble with Demi? I wish I had the answers. I didn't know if I should pick up her ashes like to vacuum it up or something. I sat on the couch with the little container that had her ashes in them. The first time I meet my real my she dies hours later. I could feel something underneath my bum. I stood up and pulled out a notebook that was stuck in the cushion of the couch. I opened the notebook where there was ribbon to mark the page. "I found her. I spent over ten years trying to find her. I finally did. I wanted to tell her who I was. But if I did I know there would be consequences, not only for me but for her. I know it sounds silly to tell her and her and I suffer. But there is more to this. If I told her she would get more information about Demi. I started this. The only way it could end if I die." The page said. I flipped backwards to some pages. "I told them about Gabby. I thought they were my friends, I thought they could help me find Gabby and take her away from this world. I could protect her, and maybe even take away her power. She's a raven, something rare. They aren't the smartest, the lilacs were. The ravens weren't the strongest the hornets were, but the ravens they could master many powers and they were the only supernaturals that can take other peoples powers away and give them to other people. I wish I was a raven but I'm a lilac. It was either Gabby or Demi. I told them to take Demi not Gabby, cause I knew Gabby could get her back. Now they're after me. If I die, they can't track me, they'll loose track of Gabby. All I want to do is keep her safe, even if that means I have to die." I stopped there. I couldn't read anymore, she told them to take Demi instead of me. I didn't know if I should be mad or happy. She did want to protect me but to risk Demi's life for it that's just not okay. I wondered who those people could be, like they were blackmailing Linda, Linda thought she could trust them but they just ended up using her to get me or something. I personality thought there was more ravens out there, like I met a couple of them before. I quickly ran upstairs, looking through her room. "Do you think she's here?!" I heard I voice yell from downstairs, "she's probably sleeping!" I heard another voice say. Was this the person who wanted me and blackmailed Linda? I heard footsteps come up the stairs. I slid into the bed and quickly turned my appearance to be Linda. "Linda!" I heard someone say while barging into the room. "Hmm?" I said sitting up in the bed and rubbing my eyes. "Linda!" The man said while sitting at the end of the bed, "what's wrong?" I yawned, "leave" he whispered to the other men. He locked the doors behind him. Which made me scared. I stood up walking closer to him, "what do you want?" I said, "you know exactly what I want" he said moving closer to me. I moved closer to the bed which had my bag, I slipped my hand into the bag and pulled out a needle that had amia and slipped it into my pocket. He pushed me up against the wall right when I turned my head. His hands were n my neck strangling me. "Why did you tell her?!" He yelled while banging my head on the wall. "Not gonna use your powers huh?" He said adjusting his grip on my neck. I started blankly into his eyes, I couldn't compel him. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the amia. I stabbed him with it right in the stomach, he fell to the ground, mumbling swear words under his breath. "You're going to get it!" He yelled trying to pull out the needle. I saw the ring, it was the same ring Linda had but different colour. I quickly tried to take the ring off his hand. He flipped me over, "you're so gonna get it" he said. I didn't know how he was still moving with the amia still stuck in his stomach. I kneeled him in his privates. He groaned in pain while closing his eyes. I crawled away, looking for something to hurt him with. He pulled the amia out of his stomach, he stood up walking closer to me, I tried to get ways but hi was left against the bed. He kept going on about how he was going to kill me and Gabby. I reached my hand under the bed looking for something. I found a gun, it probably wouldn't do that much to kill him since he had the ring but it could get me enough time to take off his ring or at least to run away. I held it up to his face, "stop I don't want anyone to get hurt" I said, he didn't say anything he just started to look for something in his pocket. I pulled the trigger shooting him in the neck. "Amia" he said falling to the ground holding onto his neck. I empty the guns catching the bullets in my other hand. It wasn't normal bullet it was miniature amia needles. I quickly ran to the man and pulled of his ring. He went grey, and shot me a evil glare before he turned into dust. I couldn't believe I just killed a man. Two people died in the same hour. I heard footsteps out of the door. I quickly turned back into my original self (Gabby) and grabbed his phone out of his pocket and my bag before climbing out of the window. The window was up pretty high but luckily there was a tree close by. I drove home still shaking about what I just witness and done. I saw Harry's car still parked in my driveway. I pulled over on the other side of the road and pulled out his phone. I looked through the texts. Nothing he wasn't the one sending the texts. I honestly felt so bad that I killed someone. But he did try to kill me right? So it was like self defence. I saw Harry walked out of my house. His head facing down. He looked like he was trying to lock the door. Did he find the extra key in my room? I climbed out of the car trying to quiet. I hugged Harry from being. He jumped a little before realizing it was me. "I'm sorry" I whispered into his ear while standing on my tippy toes. He turned around with a smile on his face, "no I'm sorry I shouldn't have gotten that jealous I just-" I cut him off there by crashing my lips onto his.

Jane's P.O.V:

I went to go see the man, he said I couldn't change my power since I'm a Lilac. And you need to be a raven to have your power changed. But he got the voices out of my head. Even though I got them under control already. I felt terrible about Gabby. I couldn't believe I got her this mad that she wouldn't even go on the trip and won't reply to any of my texts. I guess if I was in her position to I would be mad too. But I knew how I could make it up to her. I know she loves being right, so I got me and Fran a necklace. Fran's is a locket but has a hornet on it and mine is a locket with a lilac in it. So we can fill it with amia, and be safe. I know it sounds selfish buying myself a gift to make it up to Gabby, but she always says the best gift that you can give her, is that if she knows that you are safe and happy. Since she already has everything she always wanted, and the stuff she wanted was always too expensive to buy. "You okay?" Fran said while sitting at the corner of the bed. "I'm fine" I said, "really? Cause you been sad this whole trip" Fran said, "it's just I feel so bad about Gabby, plus Harry isn't even with her so she's all alone. And it's all my fault!" I said, "I'm sure she's fine, plus Gabby can never stay mad at you, you're her best friend" Fran said while rubbing my back, "could you check up on her? Like you know just tell the future" I said, "sure" Fran said with a smile. Fran closed her eyes. I just hope Gabby didn't get in any trouble. Fran gasped opening her eyes. "How's Gabby?" I said, "Harry's back. But she found the ring" Fran said, "what ring?" I asked, "varsovie ring" Fran, "the ring that if you take off you die?" I said, "yeah" Fran said, "did she put it on?" I said worriedly, "no. But she has three men going after her, apparently there aren't many ravens left and they need her to get better powers." Fran said, "what?! Now there are people after her?" I asked, "yeah and tomorrow she's going to be Demi, and when she is going to be Demi she will die" Fran mumbled, "Die?!" I yelled, "yeah getting hit by a car" Fran said, "we need to leave and stop it" I yelled while getting up. Me and Fran packed our bags and bought a ticket back to London. Only if Gabby came with us she would have been safe! It's all my fault. I sat on the plane, waiting for Fran to come back from the bathroom. I suddenly remembered about the curse. With my powers, we could make people immortal. I've done this before on my parents and brother. I suddenly felt this pain in my hip right after I did the curse, I pulled down my pants a little just to see my hip properly, my tattoo it was disappearing!

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