Chapter twenty four

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Chapter twenty four:

Gabby's P.O.V:

I stood there staring at the person who was in Jane's body. "Where's Jane?!" I yelled. I starred at the person waiting for a response. I slammed the door right in her face, "gabby!" I heard her say from the other side of the door. I quickly ran upstairs trying to get away from her. I laid face down on my bed. Maybe it was Jane, you know just her playing a prank on me. But if it was Jane she would have said its me and walk in. I took out my laptop and placed it on my lap. It was suddenly really quietly, Jane must have left. I scrolled through my twitter account. I got a lot of hate, more than what I actually excepted. But I knew how aggressive directioners were maybe if I just like tweeted more or something they'll learn to like me. I suddenly heard a tap on the window, I quickly turned my head to see Jane on the tree branch near my window, I jumped when I saw her. I automatically knew that was not Jane. Jane would never climb up a tree just to see me. I quickly got up and reached for the amia gun under neath my pillow, i slid it down so my elastic band on my sweat pants could hold it up, I pulled down my shirt just to cover it enough. I walked up to the window, a small smile crept onto Jane's face. I opened the window stepping back and holding on to my waist were the gun was. "Gabby!" Jane cried why climbing out of the window and grabbing on to be, I pulled away from her grip and walked up to the window to close it. "Who are you?" I said while turning around still holding onto the gun, "I know this is hard to believe but.." She said but stopped mid-way, "but what?" I yelled getting ready to reach for the gun. Janet's head faced the ground, I could tell she was thinking about something. "But what?" I yelled with rage as I held the gun up to her face, her eyes grew big as she looked at the gun, "gabby it's me...Linda" she said quietly. Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. "Linda..?" I mumbled quietly. I brought the gun lower as she walked up closer to me. I stared at the ground thinking of all the possibilities of Linda being in Jane's body. "Where's Jane?" I said looking at Jane with desperate eyes. "She...she was in a car accident and she died. Buy the only way you'll get her back is if I be here and then I can re-rive her" Linda said. My heart dropped to my stomach when I heard what she said, but Jane's body looked perfectly fine. "If you're really Jane then turn into your original self" I said, "but her power is only to see the dead right?" She said, "but Jane's now a cross bree..." I said before stoping myself halfway, "wait gabby?! Is she a cross breed?" She yelled, I couldn't tell if she was yelling in anger or happiness, cause it kinda sounded like both. I looked at her with a blank expression on my face, "take this" she said while handing me a note, "be very careful with it! Ill be back later. Oh yeah and merry Christmas" she said while heading out the window, "umm thanks you too! And you can use the front door" I said, "can't broke your cruse so I can only use the window to get in and out" she said while climbing down. I suddenly heard someone downstairs, mom! I ran downstairs with pure excitement. "Hello love" I heard a deep British accent said as I looked around in the living room. "Harry!" I smile while running into his open arms, "I thought you'll be coming later, if I knew you'll be her so early I would have put on something nicer" I said into his chest, "you look beautiful" Harry said while kissing my forehead. I laid in bed while Harry was taking a shower, I suddenly heard a noise come from my laptop. It was a Skype request from Fran. "Hello!" Fran smile, "hey! Who's Hawaii?" I smiled back, "beautiful! How are you?" Fran said while tucking some hair behind her ear, "umm well you know" I said while scratching the back of my head, "what happened?" Fran exclaimed with concern. I walked up to the bathroom door and pressed my ear against the door, the shower was still on, I didn't want to bother Harry with all my problem especially when it's Christmas. "Okay soo" I said while sitting back on my bed. I explained everything to Fran she didn't really say anything, she just kept quiet so I could explain. "Wait!" Fran yelled, "gabby! Did you actually tell Linda, your mother that almost got you killed, and is getting you sister killed that Jane's a cross-breed?" She added, "yes" I nodded, "oh god" Fran mumbled, "what?!" I said, "gabby! Cross-breed are rarer than raven and she's a lilac and raven so yeah you need to keep an eye on Linda" Fran said, "okay" I said, "I gotta go now! Merry Christmas" Fran said while logging off. I looked over to the clock, "6:30pm" still no sign of my mom. I pulled out of box under my bed, it was Harry's Christmas present, it was a Rolex watch. I've been saving up to buy myself a new uggs but I wanted to get something special for our first Christmas. I pulled out my phone looking for Linda's number, but should I text Jane since Linda was technically Jane. I decided just to text both. I wondered why Linda needed to go in such a rush when I told her Jane was a cross-breed. I hope I didn't screw up that bad. I put the phone on the counter and pulled out Linda's diary, I slimed through it quickly to see if she mentioned something about cross-breeds. Nothing. I fell back on the bed discouraged, I turned to the blank wall were there used to be a huge poster of one direction. I closed my eyes, wishing everything will go back to normal. I suddenly felt to strong arms wrap around my waist, I quickly returned back into reality and turned around facing Harry, his wet hair was dripping down his face. He pressed his lips against mine to give me a gentle kiss. "Are you okay love?" Harry asked while he tucked some hair behind my ear, "I just miss my mom" I said, "well I'm sure she'll be home soon, I'm gonna go make us dinner" Harry said while getting up, "you're gonna make dinner" I teased, "yes I thought my little directioner would know that by now" Harry teased back. We both at our dinner, to be honest Harry was actually a pretty good cook, better than what I ever expected. He talked about some boring stories about the boys, I didn't know why people complained about them, maybe it was cause I tell boring stories too. But not always I do have some good and funny ones. I washed the dishes as Harry set something up in the living room. I walked in the hallway and pulled in the Christmas lights that were connected outside. When I walked into thriving a saw Harry sitting on the floor with a re blanket in front the fireplace, "come here love" Harry said, I obeyed him and cuddled up beside him. "Here" Harry said while handing me a little Tiffany and co box. My eyes grew wide as I held the box in my hands, "open it" Harry smirked. "Oh my gosh" I said as I pulled out a infinity ring, "here" Harry said while taking theming and placing it on my finger. I pressed my lips against his and held onto his neck, "thank you" I said through the kiss, "anything for you love" Harry said, "and one thing will you be my girlfriend?" Harry said while pulling away. A shy smile suddenly appeared on his face, "I thought we were already boyfriend girlfriend" I smirked as I pressed my lips against his, I suddenly felt a small smile on his face.

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