Chapter twenty three

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Chapter twenty three:

Jane's P.O.V:

I woke up with a major headache. I scanned the room, wondering where I was. Two windows, some flowers by my bed, and my mom crying beside me. "Mom" I smile while reaching out for her hand. She ignored, it was like she didn't even hear me. "Mom!" I said louder while shaking her wrist. She looked up pulling her wrist away. "You're dead" I heard someone say behind me. I flinched by the sudden sound, I turned my head to see a tall women. She had bring brown eyes, long silky brown hair and was wearing black pants and a leather jacket. "Who are you?!" I yelled while moving away from her, "I'm dead and so are you" the women said. I was scared, I looked around the bed for the buzzer to get the nurse. I found it, I quickly pressed it as hard as I could. I then noticed my arm, full of cuts and scars. "Sweetie you were in a car accident and you died" she said while sitting on the bed. I flinched as she sat on the bed. I tried the hide my fear, but it was just to hard. Calm down this is probably some joke from Gabby and Fran. I hummed along same mistakes by one direction. I don't know, it was just something about that song that can always calm me down. "You didn't answer my question! Who are you!" I yelled trying to sound confident, "sweetie, just look at me don't I look familiar" she said with a smirk. I scanned her body trying to think of people that I knew really well, my mom? Hahaha nope! Fran? No, Fran always wears colours and Fran has like small and thin hair and the women has big eyes ad thick hair. Gabby? They both have big brown eyes, they both wear dark colours. No it couldn't be. I looked up at the women again, "do you know me now?" She said, I opened my mouth wanting to say some swears word, and stuff I would have regretted later. "I'm Gabby's mom" she barley said. My eyes grew big as a billion thoughts ran through my head. But Gabby's mom is on a business trip. "Do you want me to explain?" She said with a half smile, "yes" I nodded. "I'm Linda. Linda Lloyd. I'm supernatural I have the power to be invisible, reads minds and to compel people. But my best power is that I was immortal with my ring" she stopped giving me time to say something, "continue" I mumbled. "Okay so, long story short I married Gabby's real father, he died trying to protect Gabby from this supernatural world. He was mortal and I'm supernatural, so when we had Gabby there was a fifty percent chances she'll be normal. But when we found out Gabby was supernatural, a raven. Her dad did everything to protect us especially Gabby. I didn't know how Gabby's a raven when I'm a lilac but I don't know. So when Gabby got older, she was only about five she was looking through my room and found the ring she gave it to her father-" she said before I interrupted her "did you cheat on Gabby's dad?" I said curiously, "of course not! Now let me finish her sorry" she said quickly before I could say anything else. "But people were after Gabby cause she was a raven and well they wanted to take over the world to make it all supernaturals. But they need Gabby because, ravens and give powers to other people and sometimes if they are lucky give it to people who aren't ravens. So one day I woke up and her father was gone. Nothing left except a note saying run. I quickly took Gabby and ran" she said while starting to tear up, "but how did they find out?" I said, "I..I told them. I knew the plan but I thought they needed a cross breed! All I wanted to do is protect Gabby!" She cried, "I'm so sorry" I said while sitting up, "it's okay. But I'm here to make it all better" she said. My heart stopped. Did she know I'm a cross breed? Did she want me to surrender myself to them? Was she gonna take me to them? I started to panic. "I need you to change bodies with me" she said while looking at me, "what?" I said confused, "it will only take till Christmas morning, me and you change bodies" she said, "but aren't I dead?" I asked, "so am I. The only way you can come back to life is if I be you" she said, "it will only be until Christmas night! And plus don't you want to be alive? And-" she said before I cut her off "I'm in" I said without hesitation. Linda needed to do something before we changed bodies, but she said she'll be back by 5:00pm. I reached out for my moms hand again, nothing she still continued to cry. I wondered how this all worked, I climbed out of my bed in curiosity. I stared at my lifeless body still on the bed. Was I really dead? I walked over to the nearest bathroom curious of what I looked like. I traced my fingers over my face, I didn't look like I just died. I actually looked really nice, I wasn't wearing those usual hospital ropes, but I was wearing my normal outfit, black skinny jeans and pink striped shirt and a jean jacket over it. It was though, when I was on the bed I was all bruised up and wearing the robe, but now that I'm up I'm all cleaned up. I still had a couple hours before Linda would come back. I didn't know what would happen, like would I be a ghost but in her body? Would I just follow her around? Whatever all that matter is that I wouldn't be dead anymore, I just wondered how Lina would do everything, like she'll just wake up alive and what would she do in less than twenty four hours? I snooped around the hospital for awhile, well not exactly snooping more like looking around, I looked over to the clock, 4:59pm. I should probably start heading back to my room.

Gabby's P.O.V:

Harry recently left to go to Louis birthday party, he invited me to go but I just didn't feel like it. But I did say happy birthday to Louis and gave him his gift today. I felt lonely cause Fran went on vacation, Jane wasn't picking up her phone and Harry wouldn't be back till tonight and then he'll leave for dinner at his parents house, he invited me to go but I thought it'll be too soon to meet his parents. My mom called saying her plane is delayed so she'll be home around dinner time. I hated the fact that my whole family was always busy, but my mom always tried to make time for me and so as Demi. But my dad he rarely calls me and when he does he only asks me to check up on Demi. So I doubt he'll be home for Christmas. Just like last year he came back on the twenty seventh with loads of presents, I didn't know why my mom just didn't divorce him yet, like seriously he's never home. But it's not like when he's home he just wants to be alone, he does like to spend time with my mom and Demi, but not really me. Tears filled my eyes as I thought of Demi, she wouldn't be home for Christmas. I tried to clear her out of my head. I know it was really mean of me to try to forget about my sister but I didn't feel like having a mental break down right before Christmas. "Fiddle sticks!" I mumbled to myself as I dropped the remote under the couch, I reached underneath trying to find the remote, but instead I found I found a cardboard box. My eyes grew big as I remember what was in the cardboard box, I opened it to see Demi's necklace again. Tears poured out of my eyes as I picked up the necklace and held it close to my chest. Suddenly a flood of memories of me and Demi flashed through my mind. I ran my hands through hair and put the box back underneath the couch. I laid on the couch facing the celling thinking of Demi. I turned my head to see the clock, it was 5:30pm. Still nobody bothered to call me. I ran upstairs and turned on my radio in my room. I stood in front on the mirror, I wasn't wearing anything pretty, just sweatpants and a plaid shirt. I whipped the tears from my face and laid on my bed. I suddenly heard the door open. I ran downstairs, hoping for Harry or even better my mom. I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw Jane standing in my front door. "Jane!" I yelled while running up to hug her, "gabby" Jane said while hugging me back. "You gonna come in or what?" I said while walking to the living room. I turned around to see Jane wasn't following me. I peaked my head around the corner to see, Jane trying to get it, it was like there was a glass screen right there that was preventing Jane to come it. I suddenly remembered about the curse me and Fran put on our house and Jane's and Harry's house too. No supernatural could come in except for me, Jane and Fran. My heart stunk as I walked to the front door wondering what was going on. "Who are you?!" I yelled.

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