Chapter eight

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(This one is also Gabby's p.o.v)

Chapter eight:

Gabby's P.O.V:

Amia! I thought to myself. "Fran get some amia!" I yelled while holding on to Jane. Fran poured the amia down janes throat. Me and Fran watched Jane, waiting for her to do something. Jane suddenly woke up, her eyes dark like really dark almost black colour. "Jane!" I yelled while hugging her, "what happened?" Fran said while hugging the other side of her. Jane cleared her those, spitting into the tissue, "you didn't have to poor amia down my throat!" Jane said, "well it's that or you could have died!" Fran said. Fran and Jane kept rambling on about the amia thing. "Stop! Jane what happened?!" I said, "Demi, s-she tried to take over my body" Jane mumbled, "I thought they couldn't touch you?" Fran asked, "i-i broke the balance" Jane said trying to hold back the tears, "what?" I said rubbing Jane's back. I never heard of anything like this before, why would Demi need to take over her body why couldn't she just tell Jane what she needed to tell me. "Since Demi is dead or alive, I broke the balance to see people in the middle. And dead people can talk to me, like I can hear their voices in my head. It just won't stop!" Jane cried, "why would you do that?!" I said, "cause you always help me with my problems and I just didn't want to let you down" Jane mumbled, "Jane, you help me too!" I said, "only like twice" Jane said while burying her face in her hands, "Jane listen to me! You nev-" I tried to say but Fran cut me off, "Gabby stop trying to help people all the time! And Jane stop trying to live up to everyone expectations!" Fran said. Fran usually wasn't like this but I could tell she was getting annoyed with all this talking, she always just like to get to the point. "What did Demi want and how do you know she was trying to take over your body?" Fran asked, "she just said she needed to tell you something and she didn't trust me" Jane said, "and when I told her she could just tell me, she was like I don't know, but it felt like she was cutting me open and putting herself in me" Jane said, "gross" I mumbled trying to get the picture out of my head. Fran kept asking Jane questions, I couldn't help but wondered about if I was supposed to meet Niall. "Fran?" I asked, "yeah?" Fran said, "am I still supposed to meet him still?" I asked, "I don't know but maybe you should like ask Harry what's Niall doing" Fran said, "but didn't you see the future? You said this morning I wasn't going to see him" I said, "I don't know gabby! Something's wrong with my powers I didn't even see this happening" Fran said, "really?" I said, "yeah" Fran said while looking at the ground. "What's happening to us?" Jane said, "Wait! Gabby! Did you get another note in your necklace or something?" Fran said, "let me check" I said while taking of my necklace. I emptied the locket over the sink all the amia fell out causing me to cough, "wait" Fran said while moving the amia around with a tooth brush, "Fran your tooth brush!" Jane said, "don't worry it's my brothers" Fran said while picking up the note. Fran let out a little scream while passing the note to me. "Lucky! But next week for sure and let's see who's power will go wrong next" the note said. Fran grabbed the note from my hand, "who's next?" Jane asked "I already hear dead people talking in my head and Fran can't really tell the future correctly" she added, "it's me" I mumbled, "but if your power goes wrong and you can't change Demi will be killed" Jane said, "that's the point" Fran said. I left right after that. I was actually really scared even though I tried not to be talking to Fran and Jane, but I wasn't scared about loosing my powers, I knew other people who had the same power as me. I was scared that someone knew where I lived, placed a note in my necklace, I barely remember taking it off last night, oh yeah I took it off before bed and I just put it back on after my shower. Ugh I'm such a retard I always tell myself to keep it on and then 10 minutes later I take it off. But I was so lucky that I didn't need to see and Niall today. Even though i was Demi's sister I didn't see her that often and I didn't really know her personality so much like she was bubbly and sweet and funny and she swears a lot but I never swear I maybe only said three or five swear word in my life, I know that sounds all innocent but you always felt bad when you said one. I saw Harry walking to his car, "Harry wait!" I yelled while climbing out of my car. I saw a smile creep onto his face while ran his fingers through his curls. "Hey" I said while standing in front of him, "hey" Harry said, "where are you going?" I asked trying not to sound needy, "I have a interview today" Harry said, "oh" I said, "yeah so umm they're probably gonna ask about us.." Harry said while looking at the ground, "and?" I said, "what do I say? Do I say that we are dating or?" Harry said, "I don't know, maybe just say we're dating" I said. He looked up with pure lust in his eyes, he leaned down for a kiss, "I hate the fact that you're taller than me" I said pulling away from the kiss, "why?" Harry asked, "you always have to bend down and I still have to go on my toes" I said, "here" Harry said while wiggling his toes. I stepped on to his feet and leaned up, I wasn't that much taller but this helped a lot.

Jane's P.O.V:

I laid in bed while Fran made breakfast, I could never cook, I seriously need to lean from Gabby and Jane. One time I was trying to boil water to make tea, but I forgot about the boiling water so it all evaporated and then the pot caught on fire. Yeah so now I'm not aloud in the kitchen in my house, Gabby's house and Fran's house. I didn't tell the whole story though, like the dead were in my head I could hear them but I could turn it off. But it was last night at the party. I woke up on the couch, I have absolutely no memory of last night, but Im scared that maybe something happened last night, like I was really drunk and so many guys were drunk too last night. I didn't wanna worry Fran and Gabby about it. Cause they always say I need to be the centre of attention, well it's kinds true I just want people to notice me, and epically with Gabby's problems I didn't want to sound like a b*tch complaining about mine that aren't really a problem. I woke up fully dressed but you never know. "Here" Fran said while handing me a plate with eggs, toast and ham. "Thanks" I said taking the plate out of her hands, "so how'd you get home last night?" Fran asked while hitting into her toast, "umm well I didn't" I mumbled while looking to the ground. "Jana Brown!" Fran yelled while standing up, "did you do it?" She asked, "I don't know.." I mumbled, "Jane! How do you not know?" Fran said, "I was really drunk" I said, the tears filled my eyes I let them fall out of my eyes. "I'm sorry" Fran said while sitting beside you, "well I'll get you a pregnancy test and we'll find out" Fran said, "we need to wait a couple days to know for sure" I said, "are you sure you don't remember anything from last night?" Fran said, "nothing! But I don't think I'm pregnant like, I'm to scared to do to and even when I'm drunk I'm not that easy to get with you saw me last year when that guy wanted to take me to his room, I punched him in the face" I said, Fran laughed a little and said "I'm sure you're not Jane don't worry bout it". Her words made me feel safe and that I don't need to worry about it that much. "So how'd you get home?" I smirked trying to see if she done any embarrassing, she automatically started to blush, "well um I got a ride home from John from home room" she giggled, "ouuuu!" I sang, "so are you and him a couple now?" I teased.

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