Chapter twenty two

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(Still Gabby's p.o.v)

Chapter twenty two:

Gabby's P.O.V:

I held my breath as Niall opened the door, I just prayed to god that Jane's powers will start to work again. "What the f*ck" I heard Niall shout, I ran over to his side, too see Jane on the floor with big puppy dog eyes. "What is Jane doing here?!" Niall yelled, "Umm" I so drying to think of a excuse. I quickly put my hands on his shoulder and stared deeply into his eyes. "Forget about everything! Everything you remember is that you came here for a bag of dried fruit" I said trying to compel him. "Gabby! What are you doing?!" Niall yelled while pushing me off him. Oh no! It didn't work. He must have drunk the water, what am I supposed to do now?! I looked over at Jane that was completely lost, Niall still looked at me like I was some psycho path. Jane! She wasn't a lilac anymore, I couldn't do anything. "Harry!" I yelled, "what the f*ck is going on?!" Niall yelled. Harry suddenly came barging into the room, "what's wrong?!" Harry yelled with concern, "he knows" I mouthed. Harry's eyes grew wide, "umm Niall let's go" Harry said while taking Niall's arm, "where are we going?! What's going on?!" Niall yelled while being dragged out the room by Harry. "What are we supposed to do?!" I yelled while sitting on a chair, "wait!" Jane said with a smirk, "what?!" I yelled, "my tattoo! It's coming back!" Jane yelled while excitement, "that means I'm a lilac again" she added. But I thought you could only change your power if you're a raven, but Fran said it was alright. Maybe it could work? You know she was normal and I turned her. "Gabby?" Jane said while waving her hand in front of my hand, "sorry" I mumbled quietly, "see! See!" Jane said while pulling down her pants a little. It seemed like her old tattoo, but there was something above the waves. A moon sign. With a bird. A raven. "Oh my god" I said under my breath, "what?" Jane said in confusion, "look" I said pointing to her tattoo. I was completely stunned. What was this? It was like a mixtures of my tattoo and Jane's tattoo, but with my power thing, a raven. "Gabby...?" Jane said quietly, "yeah" I said looking up at her, "there's a flower on the bird" Jane mumbled. " I cross breed?" Jane said quietly, "lets go see" I said while dragging Jane to the living room. If Jane was really a cross breed, like a lilac and a raven she could compel Niall to forget everything that happened just now. "Go" I whispered in Jane's ear while pushing her towards Niall and Harry that were sitting on the couch. I waved Harry to come over here, I didn't really want Harry to see someone get compelled, it was kinda creepy. "Take your time" I mouthed to Jane before taking Harry upstairs. "What did Niall say?" I said while sitting on the bed, "he kept on asking questions" Harry mumbled while sitting beside me, "and?" I asked, "I didn't really say anything cause Niall just kept going on and on" Harry said. I cuddled into Harry, I honestly didn't know what to say. "Gabby?" Harry asked, "yeah" I said back, "why can't you compel Niall?" Harry asked, "well umm its complicated" I said, I didn't want to tell Harry that Zayn knew before he did. "Niall's going home for Christmas, so it will just be you and me" Harry said looking into my eyes. "Oh yeah tomorrow the 23" I said with a smile, "are you parents coming home for Christmas?" Harry asked, "my mom's coming home tomorrow, but I don't know about my dad" I mumbled. I suddenly heard a knock on the door, "come in!" Harry yelled, "done" Jane said while walking into the room. "Thanks" I said while hugging her, "I think we can leave, cause he doesn't remember you or Demi being here, and I said I was just here looking for you" she said while letting go of me, "do you want to come over to my house?" I said, "no it's okay, I need to get Christmas presents" Jane said, "leave everything to the last minute" I joked, "that's me" Jane smiled while walking away. I got Harry to drop he off at Fran's house, I needed to talk to her about Jane being a cross breed. "Hey is umm Fran home?" I asked Brandon, "I'm sorry she went to the mall" Brandon said, "oh okay could you let her know that I was here when she gets home" I said, "yeah for sure" Brandon smiles. I taped my fingers on the table as a drunk my tea. I was nervous and scared. I didn't know why I was scared, I was in my room, all doors and windows locked, and all the blinds were closed. But I was nervous that I broke the balance, like when Jane broke the balance she could hear dead peoples voices in her head, and when Fran broke the balance she couldn't predict the future correctly. And I couldn't loose my powers epically with the whole Demi thing. I needed to calm down, I wasn't the nicest person when I'm stressed out. I decide just to look for my book Warm Bodies. But I accidentally stumbled upon Linda's journal. I started from the beginning. The tears started to form in my eyes as I read the part when Linda had to give me up to my well step mom. I wish I could just talk to Linda again, her journal wasn't that detailed and I wanted more answers. Maybe Jane could do something.

Jane's P.O.V:

I walked around the room looking for Christmas presents for Fran and Gabby. I didn't really know if I should get Harry one or something. I'll probably just ask Gabby later or something. I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard someone call out Gabby. I looked around seeing if anyone was calling out her name, no one. Everyone seem normal, just shopping and talking. I shook my head and continued to walk. I kept on hearing Gabby's name being called, was this some kind of joke that Fran and Gabby were playing on me. I climbed into my car and turned on the radio. The voices were gone, I decided just to go over to Gabby's house just too talk about this calling thing. I heard Gabby's name being called out again, it was like it was in my head just echoing. I tried to concentrate on my driving, but it was just to much. "Stop it!" I screamed on the top of my lungs. Suddenly when I opened my eyes I saw a bright light.

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