Chapter nineteen

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Chapter nineteen:

Jane's P.O.V:

I woke up gasping for air. It was all a dream. But it felt so real in every way possible. A least Gabby was safe. My tattoo. I pulled down my pants slightly just so I could see my tattoo. It was gone! Completely gone! Not even a scare left there from getting it! I ran into the other room. "Fran! Fran! Fran! Wake up!" I yelled while jumping on the bed. "10 more minutes" Fran mumbled while pulling the blankets over her head. "It's serious! My tattoo its gone!" I yelled. Fran's eyes shot open as she sat up. "What do you mean?! Show me!" She yelled. I pulled my pants, "Oh my god. What have you done?!" Fran yelled. "Nothing! I just hade a dream you told the future and you said gabby was going to die and everything and then I put a curse on her making her immortal" I said. "Oh god" Fran said while running to the desk. She opened up her laptop and brought up the page with her notes. Her eyes grew big staring at the screen. "Fran what's wrong?" I said, "you did a curse in your dreams" she mumbled, "really?!" I said, "yeah but you broke the curse completely" Fran said, "what..?" I said, "you gave her your life. That's why you don't have the power" Fran said, "oh my god" I said while rubbing my hip, "but since you did it in your dreams there's a chance that umm you made Gabby die" Fran mumbled, "die?!" I yelled, "yes! You did it in you dreams and that's a really bad thing! Plus you made a supernatural immortal! It's alright if you do it on a mortal but on a supernatural! You broke the balance of everything!" Fran yelled while picking up her phone. I sat on the bed head in my hands. I couldn't believe what I just did. "She's not picking up her phone!" Fran yelled, "we have to go back home!" I said, "you pack the bags and I'll get us plane tickets!" Fran said while running out of the room.

Harry's P.O.V:

I held Gabby in my arms as she stepped on my toes so it was easier for us to kiss. I couldn't believe how I reacted to Gabby, I felt so bad. But at least she was back. "Ah!" Gabby said quietly with her hand against her heart. "What's wrong?!" I said worriedly, "take me inside" she said closing her eyes. I picked her up and ran inside. I laid her gently on the bed as she curled up into a little ball. "Gabby I think we should go tot he hospital? What's wrong?" I said rubbing her back. She kept on groaning in pain. I pulled out my phone and started to dial the ambulance. "Don't!" She said as she turned over, her eyes they were red. I was scared I didn't know what was going on with her, I pulled out my phone again and started to dial the ambulance again. "Don't!" She growled at me while holding on to my wrist. Her grip was strong, stronger than mine actually. I looked at her with fear in my eyes. Her grip got looser as she let go of me, she closed her eyes. Her body looked lifeless. "Gabby!" I yelled while shaking her body. I put my head close to her chest. I wasn't a paramedic but I couldn't hear a heart beat at all. I pulled out my phone and called the police. I felt someone put there hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Fran. "Oh my god Fran! Something wrong with Gabby!" I yelled, "Don't!" She said grabbing my phone out of my hands and throwing it at the wall. "Wait I thought you were in whistler?" I said confused, "we know people" Fran said while checking for a heart beat on Gabby. "Try mouth to mouth" I heard a voice say behind me, it was Jane. "You don't have to do it Fran let Harry do it" Jane added. I was so confused, something was up. "She's.. She's different we can't do mouth to mouth" Fran said while looking at me then Jane. "Oh yeah" Jane mumbled. "What's going?!" I yelled walking to my phone. "Here put this on" Jane said while slipping a ring on me, "why? What's this for?" I added. She didn't answer me. Jane suddenly put her hands around my neck.

Fran's P.O.V:

I heard a snapping sound. I turned around and saw Harry on the ground. "What did you do?" I yelled walking over to Harry. "He's dead!" I cried before Jane could answer me, "the ring" Jane mumbled while pointing to his finger. "Wait is that the varsovie ring? How'd you know he hade it on?" I asked, "I didn't, I had a dream Gabby had it, that's why it took me so long to come up here, I had to find it" Jane said, "that's so weird" I said walking over to Gabby. What are we supposed to do? If we call the ambulance there is nothing they can't do. "Amia?" Jane said, "it won't work it'll just make it worse" I said. I didn't know what to do. I started to panic. I couldn't imagine a word without Gabby. "You killed her" I mumbled to my self. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. I couldn't believe it Gabby was gone. "God Fran! Just don't stand there!" I heard Jane say behind me. I turned around to see Jane searching through Gabby's bag. "What are you looking for?" I asked walking over to Jane. "What do you think?! Amia!" Jane yelled, "Here" I said while opening up her desk, "how'd you know it's there?" Jane said while pulling out a needle, "she told me" I said quietly. "Jane stabbed the amia in Gabby's throat. We both watched Gabby with all our concentration. Gabby suddenly sat up gasping for air. "Gabby!" I yelled hugging her when Jane followed behind. "What happened" gabby mumbled while looking around the room. Before I could answer Gabby quickly pushed me and Jane off the bed. "What did you do?!" Gabby yelled while running over to Harry, "umm well" Jane mumbled. Gabby quickly rushed over to Harry and lifted his head on her lap and brushed his hair out of his face, I never seen Gabby so caring before. "The ring" I heard Gabby mumble, "what did you do?! Dd you kill him?!" Gabby yelled while glaring at us, "well umm I put the ring in his and then I snapped his neck" Jane mumbled, "why would you do that?!" Gabby yelled, "he was asking questions! Plus he has the ring on he'll wake up soon" Jane said, "go get some amia!" Gabby yelled. I never seen Gabby so mad before. I know she's really small and tiny but when she's mad it's like hulk but worse. I didn't even reply back, I just went a grabbed a needle full of amia. Gabby quickly stabbed the amia in Harry's throat. I could see tears forming in Gabby's eyes. "I have stronger amia at my house" Jane whispered to me while grabbing her bag. It was just me, Gabby and Harry. "Gabby" I said quietly while sitting beside her, "Jane went to go get stronger amia" I added. "What happened?" Gabby said with tears in her eyes, "Jane she had a dream that you were gonna die so she made you immortal but it was all a dream and when she woke up her tattoo is gone and yeah now we're here" I said while rubbing her back, "what about Harry?" She said quietly while playing with Harry's hair, "he kept on asking questions, and Jane saw the future in her dreams so she knew you had the ring so she put it on Harry and snapped his neck" I said. Gabby didn't say anything, she didn't even look at me.

Gabby's P.O.V:

I couldn't believe what was happening. I held Harry in my arms playing with his hair, shooing that he'll wake up. I knew all about the ring, but still he means a lot to me. I think I'm falling in love with him. I know we only dated for a couple weeks but still he means the world to me. Suddenly his eyes fluttered opened while gasping for air. "Harry!" I yelled while holding his face close to mine, I let out a few tears of joy. He turned around to face me, I pressed my lips against his, but he pulled away. "What are you?! What happened to you and me?!" Harry yelled while getting up, I looked over to Fran. "You need to tell him" she whispered. She was right but I couldn't risk putting him in danger, plus if he knew he would be scared of me just like William. I never told anyone but in the third year me and William dated I told him, he freaked out and didn't even want to kiss me or even touch me anymore. So I asked someone that I knew that had the power to control minds, so he made William forget about it. I love Harry to much to do this to him.

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