Chapter seven

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(I think Im gonna be writing in gabby's p.o.v then like saying you said. Just thought ill let you guys know)

Chapter seven:

Gabby's P.O.V:

I woke up on the couch, I didn't remember anything from last. All the memories then hit me like a deer infringement of a car. I could believe Harry fought William, I turned to my side and saw Harry sleeping in pure peace. He still had a couple cuts on his nose. I looked down and notice I was still wearing my dress it was completely wrinkled. It was still pretty early in the morning. I hated wearing makeup, not only because they test it on animals but you never really felt like you needed it, not to sound cocky or anything but you always believed that everyone was beautiful in their own way. I climbed into the shower, a thousands thoughts came to my mind, how was I supposed to see William at school now. And all the popular girls saw the fight, i usually didn't are what the popular girls said about me but you know that feeling like you hate them and never want to become so mean like them but when they say nice things to you or talk to you, you kinda feel special. I feel that a lot. My phone had 20 missed calls and 50 messages. It was all from Fran, most of them about you ditching her and stuff, ill make it up to her later you thought. But Jane so call or message from her, and she was with the popular people, I felt something horrible in my stomach like she was in trouble, epically when she drinks she gets kinda crazy. "Hey Fran! I'm soooo sorry about last night! Harry got into a fight" I said into the phone, "it's fine, I got a ride home from John" Fran said, "John?" I questioned, "from home room?" I added, "yeah" Fran giggled, "you like him!" I said with excitement, "noooo" Fran said, "don't lie to me! I know when you like someone" I said, "okay I like him!" Fran said, "ouuuu!" I sang into the phone, "nothing happened!" Fran said, "really?" I said, "well ermm you know just a little kiss" Fran said, "ohh my baby girl is growing up" I said dramatically, "stop it!" Fran laughed, "sorry" I giggled. This wasn't Fran first boyfriend, she had like one or two before but they usually broke up because it just didnt work and they were better off as friends, I didn't know how Fran could do that, like isn't it awkward being friends with the person that you had feelings for. "Gabby I need to tell you something" Fran said. My heart sank, I was worried of what she might say, "I umm saw the future yesterday and umm I saw you as Demi.. Like Demi wasn't there and you had to be her.. But you weren't at Niall's house he was at yours" Fran said, "really?!" I yelled into the phone, "yeah, but he was an hour late" Fran said, "okay okay don't freak out gabby" I said while Fran giggled a little. I didn't know why but people always found it funny when I'm mad or freaking out. "And you better put some amia on Harry's nose, management won't like that scar" Fran said, "okay thanks!" I said, "I gotta go now bye! And call Jane she's not answering my calls" Fran said while hanging up. Amia for humans is basically something that can help you feel better and make cuts go away really fast. I quickly towel dried my hair and put on some sweats and t-shirt. I put the q-tip in the bottle of amia, amia came in all different types of forms, you can have it whole which is a plant, dried, or a liquid. I coughed at the amia, you didn't know why it would effect you so quickly, you wore your necklace (when you eat, drink or wear amia basically have it near you, you will not be affected by it so easily). I dabbed it on his nose, watching the dried up blood disappear with all the cuts. He was so beautiful, I couldn't believe he was with me like, I wasn't skinny, and usually celebrities go for skinny girls. All the cuts were gone. I wasn't surprised that Harry was still sleeping, with the fight and all the alcohol he drank last night. I saw a tiny smile on Harry's face, "god!" You thought to yourself he was awake the whole time. "How long have you been awake for?" I said. His eyes fluttered open, "I woke up when you put that liquid thingy on my nose" he smirked. "Whoa! What happened to all the cuts" Harry said while looking in the reflection on his phone, "was it that liquid? What is it?" He added, "just some liquid" I said, "well you need to give me some cause it works miracles!" Harry said. "It's still early" I said, "you can go back to bed" I added, "and what are you supposed to do?" Harry said, "well dry my hair first" I said while Harry laughed. "And then make breakfast" I said, "sounds good" Harry said with a smile, "you can sleep in my bed" I said, "you sure?" Harry said, "c'mon you already done it before" I laughed. I shut the bathroom door to make sure the hair dryer wouldn't keep Harry up. I heard my phone ring, "oh no!" I thought to myself, you ring tone wasn't a normal ring tone, it was "Rock me" by one direction, I quickly ran out of the bathroom and grabbed my phone before Harry woke up, but my hands were still wet when I was drying my hair. "Here" Harry's deep raspy voice said while declining the call. I could just die right now, I felt the blood rush to my cheeks, "so you like my music?" Harry smirks, "especially that song" Harry adds, "well yeah" I mumble while walking away. Harry quickly grabbed on to my wrist, "are you a directioner?" Harry smirked, "no" I said while trying to hold back my smile, "really? So I guess your screensaver on your laptop isn't of me and you don't have posters of my hidden underneath your bed?" Harry smirked, "have you've been snooping around in my room?" I said while walking to my laptop, "how'd you get in?" I said, "I wanted to check the time and Jane said yesterday favourite song spelt backwards" Harry said, "how'd you know my favourite song?" I said, "you sang to it in the car and usually when you make out with someone you don't want background music and you didn't turn it off so" Harry said. A smile grew on my face but I tried to hold it back. "How'd yo find the posters?" I said while changing my screensaver, "well when I climbed into bed I felt something crinkle and then I pulled it out, and then there was a poster of my shirt less" Harry laughed. I buried my face in my hands, when Harry wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my head. "You know if you just wanted to see me shirtless you could have just asked" he smirked. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room, while Harry started to laugh. I phone rang again but I turned off the ringer this time. "Hello?" I said into the phone, "emergency! Come now!" Fran cried, "what's wrong?!" I said, "no time for questions! Just come quick" Fran cried, "I'm on my way!" I said while hanging up. "Is everything alright?" Harry asked, "umm it's just Fran I gotta see her something's wrong" I said, "do you what me to drive you?" Harry said, "no, it's fine just stay here" I said while putting on my hoodie, "gabby? What's wrong?" Harry said, "nothing it's just Fran needs me now ill be home in a hour" I said while giving Harry a gentle kiss on the lips. "That wasn't a kiss!" Harry protested, I rolled my eyes and went on my tippy toes, but Harry lifted me up, so I just went with it and wrapped my legs around his waist. "I gotta go" I giggle through the kiss. "Okay" Harry said while letting me go. "What's wrong?!" I said while Fran opened the door, "it's Jane she came over and she said she needs to see the dead cause they are calling for her" Fran said while walking up stairs, "why does she need me? And why were you freaking out on the phone?" I said, "cause Jane was freaking out and crying she said they were bugging her" Fran said. Jane sat on the bed whole hugging herself. "Jane?" I said while walking up to her. James eyes were started to change colour, this wasn't normal. Jane started to gasp, "Jane!" I cried while shaking her, Jane didn't stop she just kept gasping for air. "Jane! What's wrong?!" Me and Fran yelled. Jane stop, but then she began to scream.

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