Chapter fourteen

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(Sill Gabby's p.o.v)

Chapter fourteen:

Gabby's P.O.V:

December 18 2012. Harry and the boys recently left to go to New York and Japan for their take me home album stuff. I was packing my stuff getting ready for me, Jane and Fran's trip to whistler B.C, I was honestly so excited. Like I've been there before but I just love it, the skiing, the food and especially the fashion. I know it just doesn't seem normal but for when we go to Vancouver they have the best stores. I knew Fran compelled Zayn, but it just seemed way to easy like Zayn isn't dumb. But whatever I'm sure if he knew he would have told the police or Harry. Me and Harry texted and called each other every day, well almost everyday he was really busy with all the interviews and photos shoots. I still texted Niall every now and then, but he was always busy and 'Demi' was always busy with her stuff too. But I was super nervous cause Niall said he wanted to hang out. And I'm a terrible actor, and I'm a terrible liar. I looked at my phone. 1:30pm, me Jane and Fran were all going to meet up at the airport at 6:30pm so I still had lots of time to get and ready. I couldn't seem to find it everywhere. I looked through my purse. Sill wasn't there! But I found something else. The little paper that Brandon gave me that had the address of where the texts were coming from. Joe's coffee. I been there maybe once or twice before. They had really good coffee and pastries. I decided just to go their and you know bring my laptop, catch up on some stories I was reading, have a drink and relax. And maybe ask if they had regulars and just to see if anyone was like suspicious looking or something. I picked up a new phone charger on my way to the coffee shop. I took small sips from my coffee while scanning through my Facebook and stuff on my laptop. I cleared everything on my Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, so basically nobody will know that I was a super dedicated directioner. I got so many questions from people on twitter about me and Harry. I didn't know if I should reply to them, like me and Harry never really talked about if we should answer questions or not. So I decided not to until me and Harry talked about it. Nobody was really here. I finally looked around and noticed somebody wearing a grey trench coat. That could be suspicious right? I then realized that I was wearing a black trench coat, something even more suspicious looking than a grey trench coat. I went up to the front counter to ask who were the regulars. I knew it! I needed to find a way to talk to her. I say at the table across from her, every now and then she'll look up from her text books, she looked like in her early twenty or nineteen-ish. I heard my phone vibrate on the table. "Hey wanna meet up now? Or are you busy?" Fran texted me, "sure thing! My house or yours?" I texted back, "yours be there in 15 mins?" She texted back, "sure thing!" I texted back. I quickly packed my laptop into my bag. "I'm so sorry!" The girl in the grey coat said while we bumped into each other causing her to drop all her books. "No it's fine it was my fault" I said while helping her pick up her books. Are hands slightly touched. I felt is burn for a couple seconds until I filched away, "you okay?" She asked with concern, "um paper cut" I said while looking at her ring. Her ring. I remember that. I gave something similar to my dad before he died. It wasn't like a girly ring it was like a unisex one. "I'm Linda" she said with a smile, "I'm Gabby. And I actually gotta go, but nice to meet you" I said while quickly walking to my car. She had a amia ring. She was a regular. Everything added up. Could this be it could she really be the one who started this whole thing. I needed answers. I couldn't just leave now when I almost have everything figured out! If I searched some more I could possibly get Demi back and not have to do all of this. I pulled into my drive way. No sign of Fran anywhere. I sat on the couch looking through Demi's phone. Maybe she texted this person before. And plus I needed more information about Demi and Niall, cause Niall was catching on that something was different. I felt my phone vibrate it my pocket. It must have been Fran, explaining why she is late. "Stop searching. Or else your little friends will be gone" the text said. I could feel my heart stop for a second. I heard a knock on the door causing me to jump. I looked through the window, it was the Mail man. I signed all the papers that he wanted me to sign. A package! I rarely got packages. I felt kinda special that I got one. I quickly opened it anxious to find out what was in it. My heart froze once again. I held up Demi's necklace, I remember her wearing it before she left. I got that necklace for her for her birthday. It suited her personality so well. It was big and sparky and just beautiful. I found a small little note underneath the necklace. I was scared but yet anxious to find out what it said. "Next time it'll be her head. Go on your little trip and stop trying to find her" the note said. I quickly closed my blinds. It gave me the creeps that someone was watching me. But two notes in the same day? It was like two people sent them to me. Like why would you send me too? I already got the message. I heard a knock on the door causing me to jump. I quickly looked out the window it was Fran. I was so relived. I quickly hid the box and necklace under the couch. I didn't want Fran to know, I was already putting them through all this. Plus I knew the more they know the more they would be in danger. Was this all a test for me? To see how long i can actually take it before I brake me tell everyone and blow my cover and then Demi would die? Cause it sure seems like it.

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