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“I walk in darkness,
So that others may see the light”

Omniscient Pov

After what felt like an eternity, Taehyung and Jimin finally reached their home. The boy still hasn't woken up and was unconscious. They got out of the car with the boy now in Jimin's arm. Jimin was very confused with the weight of the boy, he was lighter than feather. It felt like he was holding nothing in his hands. He didn't weight what an average boy of his age should weight which concerned Jimin a lot but he kept quiet.

"Are you sure we should go inside? What if he becomes mad" Jimin asked uncertainly, looking at Taehyung. Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Stop being a pussy Minnie, nothing will happen. Let's just go inside and see, I don't think he will be that mad"

"Whatever, but if he gets mad, I will put the blame on you" Jimin sassed which made Taehyung huff and grumble out a whatever and they both went inside.

Taehyung cautionly opened the door of the living room, praying that it's empty but unfortunate for them, it was not.

Namjoon was sitting in the living room with a laptop in front of him, typing fast. Noises were coming from the kitchen indicating that Jin was in the kitchen. Taehyung guessed that Suga and Hobi must be in their studios.

Namjoon looked when he heard the front door opening and saw Jimin and Taehyung coming inside with an unknown unconscious boy in Jimin's arms. He narrowed his eyes suspicioudly but was confused when he smelled a sweet scent coming from the boy. But Namjoon was mad at them for bringing an unknown boy into their home knowing how dangerous he can be.

"What do you think you both are doing  and who is this boy, why are you both not in college?" Namjoon demanded and stood up from the sofa when they both entered the living room. Jimin and Taehyung were starled by Namjoon's booming voice looked at each other and then Namjoon who was now standing with his arms folded. Jimin have Taehyung a look which made his chuckle nervously.

"Uh umm hehe, we were just..." Taehyung tried to form a sentence but he didn't know where to start from so he looked at Jimin with pleading eyes. Namjoon raised an eyebrow signalling him to start. Jimin sighed and narrated the whole story.

"So after the classes were over we were going to the cafe for lunch when we umm smelled a sweet scent, it was coming from this boy, so we went to ask him but suddenly he fainted. We were confused about what to so we bought him here!"

Jimin rushed out and took a deep breath. They looked at Namjoon expectantly waiting for his reaction.

"You could have bought him to the nurse's office, why here? Do you understand how dangerous that is?!" Namjoon half yelled which resulted in both of them flinching and pouting. Namjoon saw this and sighed. "Explain."

Jimin mumbled something under his breath. "Pardon? Speak a little bit louder Minnie" Namjoon asked with a raised eyebrow. "We thinkthathemayormaynotbeourmate" Jimin rushed out in one breath.

Taehyung and Jimin both looked at Namjoom for his reactions with scared eyes. Namjoon's face was blank.

When everything finally cleared up in Namjoon's mind, to say he was shocked would be an understatement. "What do you mean our mate? He can't be! Our bond is already complete." He asked hesitantly looking at the cute little boy in Jimin's arms. He didn't expect this boy to be their mate.

"That's what we thought hyungie but we even have similar mate marks and his scent..." Jimin trailed of when he saw Jin coming out of the kitchen when he heard the commotion in the living room.

"What happened?" Jin asked, looking around when his eyes landed on the boy who was still in Jimin's arms and a tense atmosphere. His eyes narrowed. "What is going on here?" He demanded making all of them sigh in unison.

"So are saying that this boy is our mate and you found him in your college?" Jin said incredulously looking at the boy who was now resting peacefully on the couch. "That's what these both troublemakers here said," Namjoon said,  his temples getting an offended 'hey!' from Jimin.

"But how is this even possible?! He can't be our mate. We all are enough for each other, we don't need another mate, we seem perfect like that, I don't even feel any connection with him except the scent. What if he's some kind of gold digger? We don't know anything about him!" Jin exclaimed angrily, making Taehyung narrow his eyes.

"That's because he's unconscious hyung, you do know that mate mark doesn't appear until you make eye contact with your mate," He said as a matter of fact. "And I think we do need a mate because we are all alphas and we need at least one omega with us, I can't be a bottom for an eternity" Jimin whined making all of them chuckle.

"You love it, don't dent it" Jin joked. Jimin huffed and mumbled a 'whatever' under his breath.

"Ok fine, but what about Yoongi and Hobi, do you think they will accept him?" Jin asked. They all looked at each other and then at the boy. "I don't know, we have to wait for them to give their opinion," Namjoon said. "So let's wait for them".

"We have a WHAT NOW!?" Yoongi yelled, shocked. "Lower your voice Yoon, a kid is sleeping in this house" Jin scolded him but Yoongi paid no mind to it. His brain was currently processing the information which was dropped on him.

Yoongi was expecting to go home to Taehyung and Jimin fighting like always, Jin cooking in the kitchen and Namjoom working but he definitely didn't expect this information to be dropped on him like this. He was baffled, angry and shocked.

"Anyways, what do you mean by another mate, don't we already have mates?" Hobi asked incredulously. This is bullshit, he was sure that his so called of them was a greedy, arrogant brat who only wants their money. He has seem many people like him who claimed to be their mate just for money and fame.

"We are all alphas hyung, there is at least one omega because apparently, Jimin can't be a bottom forever" Taehyung recited what Jimin said before taking him nod in agreement. "Yeah, I can't be a bottom forever, but I still like being a baby so don't forget about me after we get a new mate,'' Jimin said with a pout, making all of them roll their eyes. Drama queen.

"Never Jimin, you will always be our number one priority and will be the only one. No one can take your place, ever. Namjoon said taking the alpha in his arms and sat him on his lap and all of them nodded, Jimin laughed and hug them tightly.

Not realising that these words would be enough to make someone's heart crack into a thousand pieces. Knowing that he will never be someone's number one priority.

"Anyways, what do you say to Hobi and Yoon, do you accept that boy as your mate?" Jin asked.

"I'm fine with it as long as he is not some gold digger," Hobi said still having his doubts about this whole situation. He didn't like this one bit.

"I can't accept him yet, we don't even know who he is, where he is from, we don't even know his name, so I can't accept him yet but maybe in future I will," Yoongi told them, which was very reasonable.

"Understandable, we won't force you to accept him just yet and it's your choice, so we won't accept him too until you accept him," Namjoon comforted him, making Yoongi smile at him gratefully because he can't see his mates accepting someone whom he doesn't.

But they didn't realise that these simple words would shatter someone's heart to pieces.


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