Chapter 15: "mother"

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Once Aiko and Chris moved to their new home in a new area things started to changed...


- 2 months after they moved in -

Aiko: Bud!

Aiko looked from room to room looking in every small and big space. 

Aiko: Bud?

She finally looked outside on the balcony to see Chris standing there looking at the streetlights. She stood next to him.

Aiko: Beautiful, aren't they?

Chris: Yes.

Aiko: Okay, remember I said this was the last round of hide and seek, its time for bed.

Chris: Okay. Am I going with Miss Kate tomorrow?

Aiko: Yep!

They walk to Chris's room. She tucks him into bed and before leaving and turning off the light. 

Chris: Aiko?

Aiko: Yeah, bud?

Chris: Is it close to my birthday yet?

Aiko: 15 days, bud.

He smiles then closes his eyes.

She shuts the door and walks out to the kitchen. She gets herself a glass of water then heads to bed.


So far in this life style, Aiko has had steady income and happiness. She's making more money and her and her god son are happy. Even after two months, things are still in a weird situation with Vinnie. They've talked previously and thought that it was better if they decided to talk with other people, though the flirty remarks are here and there. Aiko has began online college courses to become an interior designer since it has always been her dream. With the saving that she's done shes been trying to slowly move away from porn. 


The next morning, she was awoken by her alarm. 9:00 am. Today was cleaning day in the Yen and Garcia household. Aiko started everything off by making breakfast, then she went on to wake Chris up and together they started to clean the house. After a few hours, they settled on the couch. Aiko got a call.

Aiko. Hold on, bud. Be right back. 

She went to her room to answer the call. 

Aiko: ...Hello?

Rita: Aiko?

Aiko: Oh my, Rita? Is that you?

Rita: Yes, hi!

Aiko Hey! What made you call?

Rita: You've been on break for about a month now. Ya know, dealing with your new home and new addition but the fans miss you. I was wondering if you are gonna consider coming back..?

Aiko: Uh.. can I put some thought on that..?

Rita: Definitely! How about I call back tomorrow?

Aiko: Sounds nice.

Aiko hangs up. She's been wanting to leave this part of herself behind but soon money was going to be low without a good job so she gave in. She was going to wait till Rita called back to confirm the deal. She goes back to the living room where Chris sits watching Spongebob.

Aiko: Chris, time to get dressed. Time to go school shopping. 

Chris: Okay!

Chris had been begging Aiko to put him into school since he went to a preschool camp in the summer. The earliest age he can start would be four which he will be turning soon. The school approved him, he will be starting in less than a month and she wants him to be prepared in advance. 

They go to Target, WalMart and Dollar Tree for his supplies, and the nearest uniform store for his uniform. After shopping, they go to see Lydia...


Chris sits on Aiko's lap excited while waiting for his mom to be on the other side. Suddenly, a guard walks over.

Guard: Lydia wishes for no visitors.

Aiko: What? No visitors? We're the only ones that visit her...

Guard: She asked for you to receive this. 

He hands you a letter.

Guard: Have a nice day.

Chris looks at her with a frown.

Chris: No..mommy..?

Aiko: Not today, Chris. Hopefully next time we visit.

The two go back home. As Chris sits in the bath, Aiko lays on her couch and thinks. She thinks about what it felt like when her own mother chose drugs and violence over her. At that moment, Aiko had rising hatred for Lydia. Then, she remembered the letter. She poured a glass of wine then read the letter in the kitchen. 

Dear, Aiko.

I hope this letter finds you well. While sitting in this cell and talking with other inmates, I have certainly had time to think, and as bad as this sounds... I don't want you bringing Chris to visit me anymore. Call me anything bad thing you want, I've probably already heard it before but having that boy come see me locked up is so heard breaking. As he gets older, that little smile will soon turn into a stone cold emotion less face and I can't stand to watch it happen. I fought off two officers that were trying to hurt me, I received 5 more years in prison. By the time Im out, Chris will be an adult and probably won't even want to see my face or hear my voice. You may visit but don't bring Chris. It's better for him...

Till next time, Lydia.

Aiko's heart raised with fury as she finished the letter. 

Aiko: That bitch...

She thought.

Chris: Aiko! Im ready to get out now!

As she walked to the bathroom, she fixed her face and looked happy in front of Chris's eyes.

Aiko: Okay buddy, go get dressed. I turned a movie on and I'll bring you a snack okay?

He nodded and ran off. 

Aiko's face quickly dropped again. She went to the kitchen and got some crackers for Chris. After handing it to him and hugging him goodnight, she went and took a warm shower. Whiling showering, she thought of all the possibilities there will be when she started to film again.


How was that for a first chapter after a year? Let me know in the comments and be sure to read, vote, and comment on the next chapter right after this! <3

*didn't proof read before publishing, I apologize for any errors*

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