Chapter 2: the call back

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The next morning you wake up to your phone ringing nonstop.

Aiko: It's too early for this!

You answer it.

Aiko: Hello?

Rita: Hello, am I speaking to Aiko Yen!?

Aiko: Who's asking?

Rita: Oh yes, I forgot to introduce myself! Hi, I'm Rita Wells and Im the co-owner of Devils Delight Videos!

Aiko: Wait really?!

You sit up in your bed.

Rita: Yes! I saw that you submitting your profile to our email address and I just want to say you are gorgeous!

Aiko: Haha, thank you.

Rita: So, what makes you want to be a porn star?

Aiko: Want me to be honest?

Rita: As honest as you can be!

Aiko: I need the money.

Rita: Haha, don't we all?

Aiko: Yeah, haha.

Rita: Well, it's your lucky day because we do need new faces! What's your sexual orientation?

Aiko: I'm bisexual.

Rita: Great! Can I meet with you today?

Aiko: Wait, seriously?

Rita: Yes! We can have a chat over dinner tonight say around 7?

Aiko: Oh, yeah sounds good!

Rita: I will text you the address! See you tonight, Aiko!

Aiko: Yeah, see ya.

You hang up and reality hits you.

Aiko: I'm going to be a fucking porn star...

But then you realize you haven't had intercourse in over 5 months.

Aiko: Well, at least it's not me losing my virginity.


Its 6:30pm and you're picking out your outfit to meet Rita.

Lydia: So, who is this woman anyway? Is she a date?

Aiko: No, Lydia. She's not. She's like a...a...a person that works for the job I applied for.

Lydia: Right and what did you apply for again?

Aiko: Entertainment.

Lydia: Right, right. Turn around, let me see the full look.

 Turn around, let me see the full look

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