Chapter 7: night shift

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You were working a night shift at The Coffee Cafe.

Kate: Since when do you have a kid?

She says referring to Chris who is playing in a booth by himself.

Aiko: Not mine, my friend ditched him so I took the little guy. I've been looking for babysitters but I don't know who I can trust with him.

Kate: Is he a good kid?

Aiko: An amazing kid. He listens and doesn't put up a fight.

Kate: I'll watch him.

Aiko: Wait, really? I'm not talking one night, Kate. You have to be on hand whenever I need you...

Kate: Aiko, I said I'll do it. I don't do anything else expect come here then go home everyday.

Aiko: Oh, thank you! Does $50 sound good?

Kate: Sounds fine.

Aiko: Alright, well I'll reach out to you when I need you.

Kate: Great.

She walks away and you take a costumers order.

Aiko: Hi, what can I get for you today?


When you get home you get a call from Rita.

Aiko: Hello?

Rita:  Aiko, we got Noah to come back! Will you be ready tonight?

Aiko: Uh, yeah sure.

Then next thing you do is call Kate.

Kate: Hello?

Aiko: Kate, can I drop Chris off for a couple of hours?

Kate: This late?

Aiko: Yeah, my job called me in.

Kate: Alright sure. Bring him


After you take Chris to Kate's house you go to Vinnies house.


Rita takes you up to a bedroom where you'll be filming. There you meet Noah.

Noah: What's up!

He shakes your hand.

Aiko: Hi.

Noah: You must be Princess.

Aiko: That is me.

Noah: I look forward to filming with you.

Aiko: As do I.

Hannah: Alright, guys into the bathroom! The first scene is in the shower.

The team makes their way into the bathroom.

Hannah: Aiko, are you a good actress?

Aiko: I-

Hannah: Doesn't even matter. You have no script just go with the flow.

A few seconds before starting Vinnie comes in the bathroom. He stands to the far back.

Hannah: And action!

You were pretending to be actually taking a shower. You feel Noah come up behind you as he starts touching up on you. You start to feel awkward.

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