Chapter 22: Complicated Relations pt.2

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Vinnie ended up staying with Aiko for the rest of the day. Some of their old flame was still there but a lot of it had faded over time. As usual, Vinnie was a gentleman to her and she liked that. They even went shopping for Chris. Vinnie offered to buy Chris a birthday gift but Aiko politely declined. While at these stores she brought Chris uniforms, school supplies, shoes, and was able to secretly buy him some birthday gifts.

When she reached her home, Vinnie was still with her. Throughout the day, they talked endlessly In a way she missed their conversations like this but the whole time, she just wished she got a text back from Ciara.

Vinnie: You have stuff on your mind?

Aiko: No, I'm okay.

Vinnie: Alrigh, gorgeous. What should I make for dinner?

Aiko: You?

Vinnie: Yes, me. You think I'm just going to tag along with you all day and not do anything for you?

Aiko: Wow, wasn't expecting that.

Vinnie: So..?

Aiko: Uhh, freestyle it I guess. Just no diary products because of Chris.

Vinnie: Okay, I can try. Go get you and Chris cleaned up. Jammy attire only!

He smiled at her. She could feel him wanting to do something to her. She wasn't sure what but for some reason the vibes were nice but a little off.

After she showered and gave Chris a bath, they came to the kitchen to see spaghetti made.

Chris: It smells..good.

Aiko: Looks.. okay too.

Vinnie: I hope you guys like it. Wasn't sure if you would so I didn't make a lot.

They went over to the table and Vinnie sat a plate in front of both of them.

Aiko: Wait, that's too much for Chris.

Vinnie took some off Chris's plate and put it on his.

Vinnie: So, how's everyone doing?

Aiko: I'm alright.

Chris: Me too.

Aiko: What about you?

Vinnie: To be honest, the happiest I've been all month.

Aiko: Really?

Vinnie: Yes. I've been wanting quality time with you for so long. Today, I finally got it.

His phone started to buzz over by the stove.

Aiko: I'll-

Vinnie: I've got it.

He stood up and declined the call but it looks like he texted the person instead. When he came back, he flipped his phone over so it would face down.

Aiko: Anything important?

Vinnie: Nope. Let's continue eating.

Aiko didn't get a weird feeling, she just went along with it.

Once they were done eating, it was time for Aiko to shoot a video. She took Chris to Kate's house then went to The Devils Mansion with Vinnie.

She filmed a video with a new star then stayed the night with Vinnie.

For almost a month, the two spent time forming a good bond. Almost too good to be true.


One night, Aiko and Vinnie were laying in her bed. One waiting for the other to go to sleep first.

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