Chapter 5: Chris

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You wake up naked and sweaty. You look around the room. Your clothes are folded neatly on a chair. There is also a towel, wash cloth, and a robe next to it with a note. You get up and read it.

"There's a shower on the other side of the door on your right. You can use the robe for when you get out. I'll be in the book room."

You take your shower and once you're done you go to the book room.

Aiko: Devil?

He was standing near one of the book shelves.

Aiko: Wow, this is... Just wow.

Devil: Like it?

Aiko: I do, I really do.

Devil: Do you like to read?

Aiko: Yeah, I got called bookworm in college well before I dropped out.

Devil: Nothing wrong with a like of reading. What's your favorite genre?

Aiko: Fantasy at the moment.

Devil: Eh, over here. Follow me.

You both walk to a shelf in the back the room.

Devil: Here's one of my favorites.

He takes out a specific book and hands it to you.

Devil: It's titled "The Land of the Fear."

Aiko: Sounds boring.

You say opening the book.

Devil: I thought the same thing until I actually read it.

Aiko: What's it about?

Devil: A man and a women in a different dimension fight for each other's love but in mysterious ways.

Aiko: Still sounds boring, Devil...

You say looking up at him.

Devil: Just read it, Aiko. I promise you'll like it. Also, when we aren't filming call me Vinnie. My name is Vinnie Hacker.

Aiko: Mmm, okay. Vinnie.

He smiles.

Aiko: Wait! Wasn't I suppose to film with Noah I gotta go!

You try to run for the door but Vinnie pins you against the wall.

Vinnie: I told them you were to tired to film and I mean shit I wasn't lying...

Aiko: Why'd we have sex anyway?

Vinnie: I mean you asked me, Aiko. I can't deny a request.

He smirks.

Aiko: No, seriously. Now, I won't get payed...

Vinnie: Calm down.

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