Chapter 6: after math

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That morning you woke up and took Chris to daycare.

Ms.Mary: Oh, Chris!

Ms.Mary is an elderly Jewish lady that works at the daycare center.

Ms.Mary: Oh, Aiko. Where's Lydia?

Aiko: I was hoping I could ask you.

Ms.Mary: Chris, go play with the other kids.

Ms.Mary takes you to the backroom and gets you some coffee.

Ms.Mary: So, she dumped Chris on you too, huh?

Aiko: What do you mean?

Ms.Mary: Once she starts using again and says she's going to keep her stuff together she dumps Chris on people. When Chris was first born she dumped him on me. When Chris was around 1 and a half she dumped him on his father which made him leave. You're next on the boat.

Aiko: So, she doesn't even take care of her kid?!

Ms.Mary: Looks like it. I can take Chris off your hands if you'd like.

Aiko: No, no I got it. I'll take responsibly for the little guy until his mom comes backs.

Ms.Mary: That's if she does, honey.

You sip your coffee.


When you get home you repeatedly try calling Lydia. Finally, she answers.

Aiko: Lydia! Holy shit, where have you been?! I got Chris!

But it's not her who answers the phone.

?: Who the hell is this?

Aiko: Um, no! Who the hell are you?

Reggie: Im Reggie. Lydias boyfriend, now who are you!

Aiko: I'm Aiko, Lydias closest friend, douchebag! Tell Lydia to get on the phone!

Reggie: She's sleeping right now.

Aiko: Well, wake her the fuck up! I'm on the edge of calling the police.

Reggie: I said she's sleeping bitch!

He hangs up.

Aiko: Oh, how dare you?!

Out of anger the next thing you do is call the police. Within 20 minutes the police are at your house.

Officer 1: Can you describe Lydia for me.

Aiko: Um, she's Puerto Rican. She has black curly hair, and brown eyes. She's around 5'6.

Officer 1: What did she look like when she left?

Aiko: Uh, I don't know. I didn't see her, her 3 year old son did.

Officer 1: Where is her son now?

Aiko: Daycare.

Officer 1: Do you know if Lydia left with anyone?

Aiko: Yeah, her son said a tall guy named Reggie.

Officer 1: I need to know what daycare her son is at.

Aiko: Wait, why?

Officer 1: Child services will take him.

Aiko: No! Why?

Officer 1: If that child's mother isn't around he must go with child services.

Aiko: No, no, no! Lydia would have wanted him to stay with me! She trusts me with his life! I won't let any harm come to him just please let me keep him...

Officer 1: .... Do you have a history of drug use, or abuse?

Aiko: No ma'am.

Officer 1: Ever had a child?

Aiko: No, but I worked as a teacher's aid for kindergartens last year and I helped raise my brother and sister.

Officer 1: Alright, good enough for me. But, once this is brought to court I can't promise that he will be able to stay with you, ma'am.

Aiko: That's fine.

Officer 1: We are going to be holding a full investigation for the apartment. Have you taken anything out?

Aiko: Uh, yeah. A spare key and some of Chris clothes and toys.

Officer 1: We will need all of that back.

Aiko: But it's Chris's stuff not hers!

Officer 2: It can still be used for the investigation ma'am so please don't fight and give us the stuff.

Aiko: Fine. All of it is in the living room right there. Get it yourself.

You stand in the corner as you you watch them take all of Chris's stuff.

Aiko: Wait! Can I see what size his stuff are considering I have to but him new stuff now...

They show you his sizes in everything.

Aiko: Thank you.

Officer 2: Are you sure this is a child friendly home?

Aiko: I'm apartment shopping now, Officer.

Once they've examined your apartment and turned all their focus to Lydias you go to the mall and pick up some stuff for Chris.


In that trip you spend over $1,000 on him. You bought him and new bed, new clothes, new shoes and some more things.

When you get home you and the Landlady are in your apartment putting Chris's bed frame together.

Landlady: So, you're really taking care of her kid, huh?

Aiko: Yes, I am and I will take pride in it. Chris is such a sweet boy. No child deserves to be abandoned like that.

Landlady: I totally agree.

Once y'all finish you push the bed into the corner of your room.

Aiko: I like it. It's nice.

Landlady: Good work.

You guys high five.


Aiko: Time to pick up, Chris. He's gonna be so excited to see this.

You go pick up Chris and you guys go grocery shopping on the way there. When you get home you guys put the groceries away together and then Chris sees his new bed with a small plastic dresser next to it with his clothes in.

Chris: Is this for me?

He says with a big smile.

Aiko: Yes! Do you like it?

Chris: Yeah, yeah!

He sits on his bed.

Chris: Does that mean I live with you now, Aiko?

Aiko: I guess so.

Chris: No more mommy?

Aiko: As of right now I don't know buddy but while you are here you are gonna have a blast!

Chris: Yeah!

Aiko: What do you say we have Burgers and fries tonight?

Chris: Yay!

You and him walk to the kitchen and start cooking.



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