Chapter 9: little buddy

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The next day while Chris was at daycare you decided to watch the livestream of you and Vinnie.

Aiko: 45 full minutes with this man. Who knew he could stay in character like that the whole time.

You look at the comments too.

freakygirl1: new girl? I like her!

xoxokinks: I wish he could do that to me.

devilsfanpage: I can't imagine what her back is gonna feel like after he puts in the work!

Aiko: Hm...

When the video is finished you do realize you have a sharp pain in your lower back.

Aiko: What the hell?

You try to stretch a little but that doesn't help.

Aiko: Whatever.

You get dressed in this to go meet your lawyer.

You get dressed in this to go meet your lawyer

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Hans: Hello, Aiko!

You shake his hand from across the table.

Aiko: Hi, Hans. Long time no see.

Hans: Then that's good.

You chuckle.

Hans: So, what's this case about? A boy named Chris Garcia?

Aiko: Yes.

Hans: Judge told me they found the mom.

Your eyes light up.

Aiko: Really?! H-how is she?

Hans: Not good. She started using again.

That light in your eyes quickly fade away.

Hans: It's very much possible she will end up going back to jail and her son will have to go to foster care.

He says opening up the case file.

Aiko: That's what I came to talk about. Do you think I can keep Chris?

He looks up from the file.

Hans: Keeping someone else's kid, Aiko?

Aiko: I know it sounds crazy-

Hans: Indeed it does.

Aiko: But, I've know Lydia since High School. She was the senior that protected the stupid freshman because she knew what it was like to not be at the same learning paste as everyone else. I know she would trust me with Chris! She loves that boy and she loves me enough to let me keep him. Chris sees me as his aunt in a way and I don't want to see him shipped to a foster home without my say in it.

Hans looks at you blankly then comes to an realization.

Hans: Alright alright don't get all sappy on me. You want full custody for this kid?

Aiko: Yes, I truly do.

Hans: I'll call around and see what we can do before your court date.

Aiko: Court date?

Hans: Yeah, Lydia knew she was going to get locked up so she already suggested you be the guardian.

You look at him shockingly.

Aiko: Wow.

Hans: The court date is next Thursday at 8am.

Aiko: Alright got it. Thank you, Hans!

Hans: Don't thank me yet. We have to get you that kid first.

You prance out his office happily.


You were walking down the sidewalk hand and hand with Chris.


Aiko: Yo?

Vinnie: You have to film tonight.

You look down at Chris.

Aiko: Tonight?

Vinnie: Yeah.

Aiko: I can't tonight...

Vinnie: Why?

Aiko: Can't say it's just that tonight won't work.

Vinnie: Is it because of what I did to you for the live stream?

Aiko: No, Vinnie. I told you I liked it but my back does hurt.

Vinnie: So, I didn't do such a bad job then-

You hear a familiar voice in the back ground.

Rita: Devil stop flirting and get a move on!

Vinnie: I'm not flirting on my gosh, Rita! Alright, well are you free tomorrow?

You giggle.

Aiko: Yeah, I'll be free.

Vinnie: Alright, be here by 9.

Aiko: Okay.

You hang up.

Chris: Aiko, where are we going now?

Aiko: I don't know... I was thinking ice cream!

He smiles bright.

Chris: Can I get chocolate?

Aiko: Of course you can!

You stop by the ice cream shop then go home.

Chris: Can we watch movie?

Aiko: Sure, Chris. What do you wanna watch?

Chris: Hmm... Lego Movie!

Aiko: Then, that's what we'll watch bud.

Chris: I take bath now!

Aiko: Okay, be careful.

You watch him walk to the bathroom.

While Chris was in the bathroom you decide to pull out that book Vinnie told you about.

Aiko: The Land of the Fear...

You open it and start reading.

By page 12 Chris was calling for you.

Chris: Aiko, can you wash me up please!

Aiko: Okay, I'm coming buddy!


You and Chris had just finished watching the movie. You carry him to his bed where he's now sound asleep. You take your shower then fall asleep too.

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