Chapter 11: "is he yours?"

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After filming you stayed awhile to talk about what just happened with you and Vinnie.

Rita: And what did you say back?

She crunches on her celery.

Aiko: Nothing. Nothing at all.

Rita: Wow, now to think about it you guys would make a cute couple...

Aiko: Rita, no! Stop.

Rita: Whaaat?

Aiko: I don't want to date a fucking porn star.

Rita: So, what makes you think you'll ever get a boyfriend or girlfriend then?

Aiko: What you mean?

Rita: Don't you think they'll have the same mindset as you? "Hell no, I'm not dating a porn star!"

Aiko: I mean yeah because I wouldn't want my piece of candy fucking others.

Rita: You have to take both of your careers into thought Aiko. Devil has been a porn star for about 4 years now and even made a production for himself. Do you think he'll just give that up for a love life?

Aiko: Woah, who said anything about love?

Rita: I'm just saying, Aiko. Think long and hard before you give him any type of answer. I don't need him coming to work with an attitude.

Aiko: Okay, yeah I will.

Vinnie comes up from the basement.

Vinnie: Ready to go?

Aiko: Yeah.

Rita: Where are you guys going?

Aiko: He's taking me home.

Rita: Oh, okay. I'll see you later, Devil.

Vinnie: Bye.

You guys get in his BMW. For the first few minutes it was silent.

Vinnie: So, tell me about yourself.

Aiko: What do you want to know?

Vinnie: Everything, but maybe start off with...your childhood.

Aiko: Okay, well...


Aiko: When I was younger maybe around 10 I lived in an abusive household. It was actually my mom who would always hurt and beat me, my siblings and my dad. My dad was only taller by a few inches and weighed less. He didn't want to hurt my mom because he loved her too much. He would burn him with hee cigarettes, throw empty beer bottles at him and force him to clean it up and was just an over all bastard-

Vinnie: This seems a bit personal you don't have to tell me-

Aiko: No, I'll tell. You wanted know so I'll tell you.

You take a deep breath.

Aiko: One night my dad just got sick of it and left taking me and my siblings with him. Unfortunately, when he was finally free from that bitch he wad diagnosed with cancer. My siblings and I were forced to be back with my mom and since we look like my dad so much sometimes she would curse us out and hurt us like she was talking to him. When I was like 13 my dad finally got better and I was able to go back with him after a year long battle or custody between my parents. I would go with my dad to his chemo, since he had gotten skinnier we shopped for new clothes together it was just fun to be with him again.

You tear up just a little bit.

Aiko: Soon the doctors said my dad wasn't suitable to live alone and me being the feisty teenager I was, I kept telling them I could balance it out between school and home. My dad insisted they put him in a home for other people with cancer that can't quite take care of themselves. When I was 16 they finally let him go and my dad confessed to me that he was bisexual and he had found a boyfriend there. 5 years later they got married and now my dad is happier than ever which makes me happy.

Vinnie: Aw, that's nice. So what happen to your mom?

Aiko: I don't know and I honestly never cared what happen to her after she hurt my father and I.

Vinnie: And your siblings?

Aiko: I don't talk to them much. We usually only talk when dad brings up together for the holidays.

Vinnie: Well, enough of the sad stuff! What other good things have happened in your life?

You look at him.

Aiko: Nothing.

You look away.

Vinnie: You sure?

Aiko: Mmm, well actually one recent thing. Chris.

Vinnie: And who's that?

Aiko: My little buddy.

You guys pull up to your apartment complex and you get out the car.

Aiko: Are you coming in?

Vinnie: Ah, yeah.


You open the door to your apartment and Chris comes running up to you.

Chris: Aiko!

Aiko: Buddy!

You pick him up and hug him.

Vinnie: Oh, that's your little buddy.

Kate: He hasn't ate dinner yet so that's on you.

She pats your back.

Aiko: I'll give you the money during my shift tomorrow, thank you!

She closes the door behind her after checking out Vinnie.

Chris: Aiko, what we eat for dinner?

He says with a precious smile.

Aiko: What do YOU think we should have?

Chris: Can we make spaghetti again?

Aiko: Spaghetti it is!

You look back at Vinnie.

Vinnie: I-is he yours?

Aiko: No, he isn't mine. It's complicated.

Vinnie: Oh, okay.

Aiko: Do you eat spaghetti?

Vinnie: Um, yeah I do.

Aiko: Wanna stay and have dinner?

Vinnie: Sure.

He smiles.

Aiko: Bud, go put your jamies on I'll be out here waiting for ya okay?

Chris: Okay!

You put your stuff down and waddle to the kitchen.

Vinnie: Does it still hurt?

Aiko: Very. 

He looks around.

Aiko: We're moving out soon and next time you come over, if you do, me and Chris will be in another nicer living space.

Vinnie: No, I wasn't gonna complain. I can help you look for a house if you want though.

Aiko: Ah, no thanks. I got it. I can't afford a house anyways.

Vinnie: But-

Aiko: I said I got it. Chill.



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