Chapter 12: Q&A

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Chris was eating on the floor while watching tv while you and Vinnie sat on the couch.

Vinnie: So, what's his story?

Aiko: Lets just stay his mom couldn't fully take care of herself meaning she couldn't care for her child.

Vinnie: Hm... You ever thought about having kids?

Aiko: I mean yeah. Since I'm only 23 and I'm still learning about what I want I'm just putting it on hold for right now.

Vinnie: Yeah I agree. I'm 25 almost 26 and I'm putting it on hold too. Like you said I am a pornstar and I'm quite certain it will be hard to find a woman that's fine with me having sex with other women.

Aiko: I'm sure you'll find someone. You're hot, successful, may have a future for yourself and you're respectful. I have faith in you.

Vinnie: Ya know, there's one woman I have in mind...

You look at him with a cheap smile.

Aiko: I'm sure you do.

You walk over to Chris. Vinnie watches you limp over. "Poor girl," Vinnie thought.


Once Chris is sleeping you eat dinner and clean up a bit in the living room. Vinnie stands awkwardly.

Vinnie: Mind if I wash dishes?

You pause and look over at him.

Aiko: Vinnie...

Vinnie: I promise this is not me trying to butter you up, I'm just bored.

You sigh.

Aiko: Fine, but use the light dish soap under the sink. Chris is allergic to the one on the counter.

He starts washing and you continue cleaning the living room.

Aiko: You've yet to tell me about yourself, Vinnie.

Vinnie: What do you want to know?

Aiko: Literally anything you want to tell me but start with... how you got into porn.

Vinnie: Mmm, ok. When I was 16, after I lost my virginity I always found myself as a horny train reck. I would have sex with multiple girls at different schools and all that sort. When I turned 18 my friend, who knew about my little sex addiction, told me that I should do porn. Clearly, I did it. I liked it, and I was able to make my own production a few years later.

Aiko: Hm.

Vinnie: Hm?

Aiko: No, it's just interesting. What did your parents think when they found out?

Vinnie: They were against it at first but considering I was the only child they quickly didn't care as long as I didn't talk about it around them and I didn't catch anything.

Aiko: You don't even use condoms, though.

Vinnie: I do actually. You're the only one I haven't used one with.

Your heart skips a beat.

Aiko: Interesting.

Vinnie: So, if you weren't a coffee maker or a porn star what was your career option gonna be?

Aiko: I was aiming towards a surgeon but then things got really complicated and I couldn't continue. I'll ask a question now.... What is your dream vacation?

Vinnie: I've always wanted to go to China.

Aiko: Wow, really?

Vinnie: Yeah, ever since I was in middle school.

Aiko: China is incredibly amazing. Some of my family is from there so I would go there a lot when I was younger. I haven't been in a while.

Vinnie: Then, you should go one day.

You sit on the couch.

Aiko: Indeed I will.


Vinnie: Aye, your phone is ringing. It says Lawyer.

You try to get up as fast as you can, considering your ripped asshole and limp over to the phone.

Aiko: Hello?.....mhm....mhm....yeah I know... Can Chris come?....okay....alright see you then....bye.

You hang up.

Vinnie: Do you mind if I ask what that was about?

Aiko: It was about my little buddy.


Aiko: I can't film tomorrow.

Vinnie: It's cool. You aren't due to film for the next three days. Call me if you need anything.

Aiko: Will do.

You close the door and walk to your shower.

Aiko: Now, THIS is gonna be a challenge.


Sorry that this is shorter than the others.

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