Chapter 19: I've had enough.

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The next morning, after attending her online college classes she woke Chris up and took him to the dentist. He had to get one of this teeth pulled due to a cavity that had been there for months.

When they got home, Chris wanted a snack but his sore gums made it hard to eat anything so she fed him applesauce. After eating, Chris laid on Aiko's lap and watched tv with her.

Chris: Aiko?

He tried to talk with sore gums but she somewhat understood.

Aiko: Yeah, buddy?

Chris: Why doesn't my mommy love me anymore?

Aiko felt something within her break. Those words hurt her so bad.

Aiko: What do you mean buddy? She does love you.

She tried to say while holding back tears.

Chris: I don't think so. I think she hates me. Do you hate me?

Aiko: Of course not buddy.

She sat him up and hugged him.

Aiko: I love you.

Chris: I love you too.

Chris was still having effects from the anesthesia so she didn't know whether or not he meant what he said but it meant enough for her.

Since visiting hours ended at 4 and it was only 2:15, she decided to go visit Lydia.

Aiko: Come on, buddy. Let's go to Miss Kate's house.


Kate: You look a little off today, hun. You okay?

Aiko: Yeah, just gotta go see Lydia today...

Kate: Even after what she's said?

Aiko: Yeah, I gotta give her a piece of my mind. What kind of mother refuses to see their own child?It would make more sense if Chris gave up on seeing her before she gave up on seeing him. It's so disrespectful.

Kate: Well, did she get into drugs for a reason?

Aiko: Not one. She did it because Chris's dad told her to try it because "it worked wonders". They had sex that same night. Few weeks later, she noticed her period didn't come so she took a pregnancy test. While waiting on the results, she left the house and I guess Chris's dad came from work and saw the results before her. Next thing she knows, all his stuff is gone and her pregnancy test was positive. No one ever saw him again.

Kate: Wow, that's tragic.

They sipped tea while watching Chris lay watching TV and slowly falling asleep.

Kate: Just try to keep your cool, okay? Can't let it get the best of you, okay?

Aiko: I'll try.

She let out a deep exhale.

Aiko: Thank you for the tea, Kate. I'll give you your money when I pick up Chris since I gotta withdrawal it from the bank.

Kate: You welcome, hun. Don't stress, I know you keep your word.

Aiko: Also, thank you for watching Chris whenever I need you to. You're a life saver.

Kate: Anytime, Aiko. I love to see a women thriving to get what she wants!

Aiko hugs Kate.

Aiko: If he gets hungry before I get back remember only soft foods.

That's when she leaves.


When she arrives at that jail, she sat at one of the tables awaiting for Lydia. She tried to calm herself prior but once Lydia sat in front of her all anger came back.

𝐷𝐸𝑉𝐼𝐿𝑆 𝐷𝐸𝐿𝐼𝐺𝐻𝑇 | 𝑉𝐼𝑁𝑁𝐼𝐸 𝐻𝐴𝐶𝐾𝐸𝑅Where stories live. Discover now