Chapter 4: filming

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Rita: So, did you like it?!

You stand in front of her.

Aiko: I just masturbated in front of 4 people...

Rita: I know, shitty feeling a first but once you've done it for a while it because less and less awkward.

Aiko: Great.

Rita: Here.

She hands you an envelop.

Aiko: What's this?

Rita: You filmed your first porno today, sweetie. That's your payment.

Aiko: Wait, I did?

Rita: You thought you had to be with someone else in order for it to count? As long as someone can masturbate to it you get payed.

Aiko: Wow...

Rita: You film tomorrow at 7. I called u an uber already. Have a good night!

When you get back to your apartment complex the first thing you do is pay your rent.


Aiko: Maybe, this isn't so bad.

You think to yourself as you take another shower.


The next day you were working at your part time job.

Kate: You seem extremely smiley today. Anything happen?

Aiko: It's just that things are finally letting up for me.

You happily make a costumers hot tea.


It was 6pm when you got home. You took a shower and put on some comfy clothes before heading to The Devil's house.

When you get there people were walking all over. More people than you saw last night.

Rita: Aiko, come here.

You walk to the kitchen.

Aiko: Who are all these people?

Rita: These are the agents for The Almighty Noah.

Aiko: Who?

Rita: His real name is Noah Beck but his star name is The Almighty Noah.

Aiko: Oh, still don't know who that is but okay.

Rita: Well, he's one of the more gentle porn stars. Devil booked him knowing Noah would go easy on you for your first time.

Aiko: Wow, that's nice of him.

Rita: Yeah, I've never seen him do anything like that. He must really like you so far. Anyways, he asked me to take you to special room upstairs before you start filling , follow me.

You guys walk to the second floor. Somewhere you haven't been till now.

Rita: Knock on this door when you see me walk down the stairs.

You stand in front of the door waiting for Rita to get to the stairs.


Devil: Come in, Aiko.

You open the door.

Aiko: This is really nice

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Aiko: This is really nice.

You see The Devil sitting on the bed in shorts and shirt less.

Aiko: You wanted to see me?

Devil: Lock the door and strip naked. Don't ask questions just do it.

You lock the door and take all your clothes off.

Devil: Come here.

You crawl onto the bed with him.

Devil: Lay on your back and spread your legs.

Aiko: I thought I was doing the porno with Noah... And where are the-

Devil: Aiko, we aren't having sex. You said that you hadn't had sex in a half a year so your vagina might not be in a good state for Noah's type of sex.

Aiko: So, what are you saying?

Devil: I'm gonna warm you up. It might hurt a little at first but I'm gonna stretch you out a little.

He sucks on his fingers a little and once they're completely wet he slowly sticks one inside of you. You let out a slightly loud moan.

Devil: Does it hurt?

Aiko: A lit- little bit...

He slowly sticks it in and out.

Aiko: Yeah, just like that, UGH!

You slowly sticks his second finger in.

Aiko: I- OU! YES!

He increases his speed a little.

Devil: Hurt?

You have a little bit of tears in your eyes from pain and pleasure. You look down at him while gripping your boobs.

Aiko: Yes, but please give me more, Devil...

You looking helpless must have turned him on because he started eating you out too.

You grip his hair.

Aiko: Oh, fuck me...

Devil: You like it?

Aiko: Yes, yes! Please keep going!

He fingers you faster.

Aiko: Oh my! I- AH!

Your breathing starts to trip up.

Aiko: I- yes yes yes! FUCK!

You cum. Your body lays help less on the bed.

Aiko: Devil, I want you to fuck me.

You say with puppy dogs eyes as your body glows from the sweat.

He quickly takes his shorts off exposing his wing wong

Aiko: Oh my...

8 inches.

Devil: Do you think you're ready?

Aiko: I won't know till you stick it in!

He towers over you. He slowly slips it in as he looks in your eyes. He wanted to have sex with you as much as you wanted to do it with him. You could tell by the look in his eye.

He thrusts inside of you slowly at first. You embrace his body. His muscular build turning you on.

Devil: God, you are so tight I love it.

He sees how vulnerable you look.

Devil: You're so beautiful, Aiko.

He kisses you which makes his thrust even deeper. You body jumps up a bit.

Aiko: Is it all the way in?

Devil: Do you think you can take that much?

Aiko: Just go!

He sticks it all the way in you. You let out one of the loudest moans letting him know you feel pleasure.

Aiko: I want you to go faster a deeper, Devil.

You look deep into his eyes.

He picks you up and sets you on his lap. He tightens his hands on your waist as he thrust faster inside of you.

Aiko: Oh yes!

Devil: Do you like it?

Aiko: I love it. Fuck!

You guys had been going nonstop for 30 minutes straight until it became too good that you passed out.



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