Chapter 20: Beautiful.

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First, Aiko withdrew money for Kate then went to Ciara's house. She went into an very expensive looking apartment complex. She pressed the top floor and walked up to the door to the right. She knocked and Ciara opened the door in her bra and panties with a robe on that was untied.

Ciara: Hey, Aiko. Come on in.

Aiko: Okay.

Aiko got sort of nervous but entered. When she walked in, she could see Ciara lived in a penthouse, and before she could walk all the way in, she saw the bar Ciara was talking about.

Ciara: I see you've spotted it.

Aiko: Yeah...

Ciara: What would you like? I've got it all.

Aiko: Scotch?

Ciara: Good choice.

She smiled at Aiko. Aiko smiled back.

Ciara: So, what makes you stressed, love?

Aiko: Oh uh nothing much.

Ciara: You're lying. You can tell me.

Aiko: Friend troubles I guess.

Ciara walks over and hands Aiko the glass. Aiko then follows Ciara to the balcony.

Aiko: No offense, but my view is better than this.

They laugh.

Ciara: Oh really?You should let me come over to see it for myself one of these days.

Aiko felt butterflies in her stomach.

Ciara: You seem a little quieter than usual. Do I make you nervous, Aiko?

Aiko: Want me to be honest?

Ciara: Of course.

Aiko: Hell yeah.

They smiled at each other.

Aiko: I am a bit stressed, though. It just feels like I have so much on my plate lately.

Ciara: Could I do anything to help?

Aiko: I don't know. Can you?

They look at each other. They both felt the tension already.

Ciara: I might have an idea.

Ciara drank the rest of her drink then placed it on the ground. She took Aiko's out her hand and put hers on the ground too. She leaned over and gave her a slow long kiss.

Ciara: How about that?

Aiko smiled but kissed her again without saying anything. Ciara got on top of Aiko and the two started to make out there. It started off slow and passionate. Aiko started to kiss Ciara's neck.

Ciara: Outside?

She said while holding in some moans.

Aiko: More could happen if we went in.

They kissed once more then walked into the house holding hands. Aiko closed the sliding door behind them.

Ciara laid across the couch and Aiko happily took her robe off and got on top of her. They started to kiss more and take their clothes off of each other. Once they were naked, Ciara lifted Aiko and carried her to her bedroom. She laid Aiko on the edge. She kissed all over. She went around her neck, kissed and sucked on her boobs, kissed down her stomach then started to tease her with the thighs.

Ciara: Love?

Aiko couldn't speak back.

Ciara: Talk to me, love.

Aiko: Yes?

Ciara: You want it?

Aiko: Mhm.

Ciara: I want to hear your voice, love.

Aiko: Yes, I want it.

Ciara smiled then proceeded to kiss around Aiko's area then started to make Aiko feel good.

Aiko: I feel it coming, Ciara.

Ciara: Good, love.

Ciara went up and laid by Aiko. She made out with her. Aiko's breathes got heavier.

Aiko: I'm cumming!

Aiko's moans were to magical to Ciara. Something about them did things to her. Different from what she's felt before.

Ciara: Look at me.

Aiko turned to Ciara. They looked into each other's eyes.

Ciara: How good does it feel?

Aiko: So good, I love it.

Ciara: Gosh, you're so beautiful.

They made out till Aiko was finished. Once she was, Ciara took her fingers out and licked them.

Ciara: You taste good.

She smirked.

Aiko: Oh really? Let's see about you.

Aiko then did Ciara and they laid by each other exhausted but happy.

Aiko: Can I shower?

Ciara: Can we shower?

Aiko: Sounds nice.

Like before, they did another round in the bathroom. After, they cuddled nakedly and fell asleep.


3 hours later, Ciara woke up to not see Aiko by her side.

Ciara: Aiko?

She took out a hoodie on and looked around.

Ciara: Aiko, you still here?

She saw that the glasses were no longer on the balcony and the clothes were picked up. Her house was once again clean. She saw her phone on the counter by a black bag so she checked it and see a text from Aiko.

"hey, I had to leave in a hurry but I didn't wanna wake you cuz you look so pretty sleeping. i cleaned up our mess and ordered you food its right by your phone but obviously you've probably seen it already lol 🫠 i had a great time and stress was definitely relieved. text me when you wake up 💗"

Ciara smiled and texted back.

"thank you so much :) i had a great time too! best nap i've had in a WHILLEE"


Was the three uploads back to back an success??

Team Vinnie or Team Ciara?

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