Chapter 14

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When you get home that day you brought carry out and Chris was watching TV while eating. He barely ate and just picked through his food. You sat behind him on the couch observing.

Aiko: I thought you liked Waffle House, bud.

Chris: I'm just not hungry.

Aiko: Okay, well um... Can you eat a little bit then you can go play.

Chris: Alright.

He eats half a waffle and two pieces of bacon then goes to play with his toys.

Aiko: If it makes you feel any better we move into the new house soon!

Chris: Really?

He looks back and smiles at you.

Aiko: Yeah! It's a Penthouse with a patio, bigger closets and the water is ALWAYS clean.

Chris: That sounds so cool!

Aiko: It is! Does that make you feel better?

Chris: Yes! I can't wait.

He turns back to his toys and you smile from seeing him so happy.


You go to your room and answer your phone.

Aiko: Hello?

Vinnie: Hey.

Aiko: Oh, now you want to speak to me huh?

Vinnie: I'm sorry if I made it seem like I didn't want to talk to you it was just that Jordan is just....

Aiko: Just what?

Vinnie: He's sneaky.

Aiko: What do you mean?

Vinnie: Did he say anything to you?

Aiko: No, why would you think so?

Vinnie: Aiko, he whispered to you and you smiled so hard.

Aiko: It's just because of what I saw that's all...

Vinnie: What did you see?

Aiko: None of your business.

Vinnie: Right... You film in two days with Charli Dameilo.

*authors edit: do yall mind shutting the fuck up about the Charli thing? Yall act as if they're really doing it in rl. I thought yall knew I make everyone in my stories 18+ unless I stay otherwise. Goddamn*

Aiko: Uh, alright.

He hangs up.

Aiko: Why the hell is he so pissed.

You roll your eyes and stop thinking about it.

Aiko: Chris?

Chris: Yes, Aiko?

Aiko: Time to start packing, buddy.

Chris: What do I pack?

Aiko: There's a box a the closet that has T O Y S on it. That's where you put your closet neatly.

Chris: It spells toys!

Aiko: Yes! You're so smart, bud.

Chris smiles the proceeds to the closet. You call Vinnie.

Vinnie: Yo?

Aiko: I need your help.

Vinnie: Sure, you okay?

Aiko: No, yeah I'm fine it's just I'm moving into my new home tomorrow and I literally have no one to help me move...

Vinnie: So, you want me to help on such short notice?

Aiko: I might be asking for too much I'm s-

Vinnie: No, no I'll help.

Aiko: Really?

Vinnie: Yeah, you're moving in tomorrow?

Aiko: Yep.

Vinnie: Alright, I'll call around and I'll call you back by tonight to sort out the details.

Aiko: Thank you so much.

Vinnie: No problem.

He hangs up and after that you start packing up.


Guy's Im working on another book rn so this is all I could whip up on such short notice. Sorry <3

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