Chapter 16: girls loves girls pt.1

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The next morning, it was bright and early when Rita called back. Aiko hadn't even woken up yet. 

Aiko: Huh..?

She hadn't even sat up to answer the phone.

Rita: Aiko? You still sleeping?

Aiko: Yes, Rita... Its 7 am on a damn Saturday.

Rita: I can call back late-

Aiko: Spit it out, what'd you call for?

Rita: Oh yeah. I was wondering if you had made up your mind yet.

Aiko: On?

Rita: Ya know.. coming back.

Aiko: Oh, yeah sure.

Rita: Oh my gosh perfect! I was having trouble finding a girl for our new star. Saylor Sage.

Aiko: What..?

Rita: I can introduce you later but are you free tonight? Maybe, 7?

Aiko: Uh.. yeah sure.

Rita: Perfect! Text me your address, i'll pick you up at 7. Wear something dinner party type and pack and extra pair of clothing for the shoot.

Aiko: Mhm..

Rita: And-

Aiko hung the phone and went back to sleep. Rita called again but then Aiko silenced her phone.


A few hours later, Aiko woke up. She took Chris to Kate's house and went on about her day. She went to the spa, got a manicure and pedicure then went shopping. By the time she got home, it was 5:30 pm. 

Aiko: Shit, I gotta hurry. 

She showered, got dressed, then did her hair and make up. As soon as she felt ready, Rita texted.

Rita: Hey, Im outside. 

Aiko took a deep breath then went down to Rita's car. As she got in Rita took a good look a her.

Rita: I swear you've gotten hotter since the last time I've seen you.

Aiko smiled and Rita drove off. They approached THE restaurant.

Aiko: No way!

Rita: Yes way!

They were at the restaurant Rita and Aiko first spoke face to face at. 

As they walked in, they went to the back of the restaurant. The party room. Upon entry, RIta spotted new and familiar faces. After seated, everyone exchanged their greetings.

Rita: I would like to introduce our little star, Princess.

Aiko: My real name is Aiko, though.

Vinnie looked her. He smiled and waved. Nothing more, nothing less. The two have been a weird boat but things are starting to be in place again. 

Across from her sat a beautiful girl. Breath-taking. She was also the first new face to introduce herself.

?: Hi, my entertainment name is Saylor Sage but the name is Ciara. Ciara Sinclair. 

She spoke so elegnatly. Everything about her seemed expensive. Her clothes, the way she talked, the way she sat, even the way she drank her wine. Aiko was attracted to her. Everyone began to talk and all present and future plans were starting to be in motion. 

Vinnie: To conclude tonights plan, I just want to say congrats to everyone for making it this far in their life. I wish greatness on everyone at this table. 

They all made a toast and with that, the dinner was over. 

Ciara, Aiko, Rita and an old director, Hannah, all were in a car together driving to Vinnies filming mansion. Rita and Hannah had the music and bit loud and were singing along in the front while Ciara and Aiko sat in the back. Suddenly, Ciara's hand starts to rub Aiko's thigh. Aiko doesn't mind, in fact, she's intrigued. Ciara hand makes its way up Aiko's thigh. Aiko held Ciara'a arm. Ciara started to finger her. She was already wet from being touched, she knew she was touched deprived just by the way her body reacted to one finger. This continued till they arrived to the mansion.


Sorry! This one was shorter than the other but I was getting tired towards the end of this and didn't want to delay the publishing of these two chapters! I hope you guys are enjoying so far, make sure to vote, follow and comment your thoughts! <33

*didn't proof read before publishing, I apologize for any errors*

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