Chpater two

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Naruto point of veiw ~ It's been a few months since Kurama-San saved me. I met his wife Amaterasu-San. She is very pretty and super nice as well. She is everything that I wished my mother would be like. Whole Kurama-San is like everything I wished my father would be like.

Everyone in the palace treats me like I am a prince. Which is very weird because I was very much hated back at my other home. I really wish that Amaterasu-San and Kurama-san were my really parents. I could tell that they look at me with guilt and longing in their eyes.

I wonder why. I maybe two but I am very smart for my age though. And I want to know why I feel such a huge bond with them.

"Hey Kit are you okay"Kurama-San asked as I was laying in between them on their bed because I couldn't sleep all by myself without getting nightmares "how come you and Amaterasu-San look at me with guilty and longing eyes"I asked and they both sighed.

"Naru honey please do not get mad at us but kura and I are your real parents"Amaterasu-San said "w-what"I asked with tears building up in my eyes "we are kit we are so sorry that we left you there"Kurama-San said

"D-Did y-you not want me is that why I was left there with people who hate me"I asked breaking out into a sob and Amaterasu-San pulled me into a hug.

"baby boy that is far from the truth. We left you there for your own safety. When you were born a war broke out between us and the people who did not want our union to be created. They wanted to kill you and your father and I thought that it would be best to send you somewhere where it was safe enough from the conflict and no one knew who you were"Amaterasu-San wait no mom explains crying as well

"But we realized that it was a terrible decision on our part as well. You got treated horribly because of it and it's because of me because all those people hate me and think that you are me"Kurama-san no dad explains in remorse. I kept crying. They both hugged me until I calmed down.

"I-It's not your fault you just wanted to protect me. But please don't leave me again"I said clinging to them "we aren't making that mistake twice brat"dad said "good now I want lots of cuddles and sweets as reimbursement"I said "granted my little prince"mom said kissing the top of my head making me smile and let sleep take over.

End of chapter

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