Chapter three

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Naruto point of veiw ~ "Mama what are you and dads main affinities"I asked "well we can us all of them but the ones I prefer are lighting and Wind. Your fathers prefers Fire and Earth"she explains closing her book to look at me.

"So what is your strongest jutsu then"I asked "it would be Alter of the titans it uses all five releases and it's also a summoning one as well"she explains "what is the alter of the titans"I asked confused

"Well the alter of the titans was created by my late father Ukyo Hara"she explains "your dad created the alter of the titans"I asked "yes he did"she answered "what does it do"I asked confused

"The Alter of The Titans is an alternate form of the Summoning Technique unique to the Sage of the Physical Plane, Ukyo Hara. The technique thrives upon Ukyo's ability to form connections to the Physical Plane, bringing forth large titans to fight on his behalf. The titans that the Sage of the Physical Plane summons are all capable of advanced elemental nature manipulation once their efforts are combined. However, the downside to this form of summoning is that each titan possesses a different kind of sacrificial aspect. What this means is that Ukyo temporarily loses some aspect of himself as long as these titans are out on the field"she starts to explain

"Oh wow so your grandpa Ukyo was a strong sage then"I said "yes he was"mom said "continue please"I said excited to learn more and she smiled.

"This aspect can be anything from physical strength to the deprivation of one of the cardinal senses for a time, though whatever is lost is regained when the creature is dispelled, though the same cannot be said of the chakra used to summon the titan in the first place. For example the sense of touch. The sense of touch is the sacrificial aspect of this technique. This does not only mean that one cannot physically touch things, this affect equilibrium as well"she explains

"What does equilibrium mean"I asked confused "equilibrium is a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced"dad explains walking into the room and sitting on the bed next to mom "did you have a good shower"I asked "yes I did kit now what are we talking about"dad asked "mom is explaining to me how grandpa Ukyo created the coolest and strongest jutsu ever"I said

"So we are talking about the alter of the titans then"dad asked "yes do you know to use it as well"I asked "yes I do. Your grandfather made sure that it was ingrained into my head before he kicked the bucket"Dad explains "can you explain some like mom then"I asked and he nodded "you ended on explaining how it was affected by equilibrium then"dad asked "yeah"mom said

"Okay so this feeling depicts a person constantly falling or that even the ground is simply an illusion, as he can see it clearly, but he cannot touch it. Performing ninjutsu with this sense gone, will be quite the task for inexperienced shinobi. It's possible to have at least a remote, approximate idea of the short term effects of significant loss of vision or hearing by closing our eyes or by wearing ear plugs. Ukyo is able to still move his limbs, but he cannot use them in a precise way. Sometimes the arms will hit Ukyo unwillingly, though is still able to feel major changes in temperature"Dad explains

"Oh wow so is there any drawbacks to the jutsu"I asked "yes there is"Dad explains

"The drawback can be negated once Ukyo assimilates himself with one of his titans, thus not only combining their strength but to use it as a ultimate combination of strength and precision, in this form he shall condense his strength to that of a natural embodiment, in which the increase in power closely resembles that of the user of the Tailed Beast Mode technique"Mom explains

"That is honestly so cool. So how many titans is there"I asked "there are a total of six titans but we will go into more detail about it when we decide to train you in it"dad said pulling me in between them "but why not now"I asked with a pout "because baby you are four years old and need your sleep and we have training tomorrow"mom said "Ugh fine"I said pouting as they kissed my cheeks goodnight.I sighed and decided to let sleep take over.

End of chapter

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