Naruto point of veiw ~ It was finally my day off from training. The chunin exams second part is coming up. So Mariana decided that I would need a day off. So I'm kinda happy about that.
I was currently laying in an empty felid leaning shading a tree relaxing when I felt three familiar chakra signatures. One was Shikamaru, the second Neji and the third Sasuke.
I'm surprised that the three of them were here together. I thought that they didn't like each other. I guess their friends now. I honestly don't care.
"What do you three want I'm relaxing on my day off from training"I asked with an annoyed sigh "wow no need to be rude Naruto. And here I thought we were friends"Neji said pouting
"We are friends Neji but I want to relax on my day off without anyone bothering me. I have to deal with Takashi and Mariana being drill sergeants every single day so I deserve this day off to myself before I have to though hell again tomorrow"I said
Well hell is much better then I make it out to be seeing as I grew up there but I'm not going to mention that part just yet or ever. Which ever is better.
"That's true Takashi and Mariana make even Gai-Sensei pass out because of their training"Neji said sitting down next to me. Sasuke say on the other side of me and Shikamaru sat on my lap "wow very bold of you Nara to sit on my lap like that what makes you think I'm not going to push you off"I said
"Well are you"He asked "no that's too much work and energy that I don't really want to waste"I said "your very smart then you let on"Sasuke said
"Is that an insult or a compliment"I asked "compliment. So I take it you know that we have feelings for you"Sasuke said
"Hmm I figured with the look you have in your eyes. But I don't really care seeing as after the chunin exams I will be leaving so even if you like me those feelings are likely to disappear as we get older so their is no point in acting upon them"I said
"Was it really that noticeable"Neji asked "to me yes. Don't know about other people though"I said "your much smarter then you let on"Shikamaru said "I have survival instincts and know how to survive unlike you guys and our graduating class and probably most shinobi as well. I mean I've managed to survive through thirteen years of hell"I said with a shrug
"Thirteen I thought you were twelve"Sasuke said "As of today in officially thirteen"I said "and you didn't tell anyone"Neji asked "only four other people know that it's my birthday. Mariana and Takashi made me breakfast in bed and baked me a cake"I said with a shrug
"You were born on the day of the fox hunt"Shikamaru asked "yes"I said not like I was going to tell them that I am technically the fox that the villagers hunt for every year "happy birthday"they said
"Thanks I guess"I said "what are you planning on doing for the rest of your birthday"Neji asked "I was going to spend it relaxing here in the felid and wait until sundown then head to ichiraku ramen where I'll have dinner with the old man, Ayame, Mariana and Takashi. Sounds like a pretty great way to spend my birthday if I do say so myself"I said
"Is that how you want to spend your birthday"Sasuke asked "I mean I don't mind just sitting in this field with the three of you until it's sundown. That's only if you want that is"I said "I don't mind"they said at the same time "I guess we are spending my day relaxing in this field"I said
I positioned myself better on the tree while Neji and Sasuke laid their heads on my shoulder and shikamaru settled into my lap better. I guess my birthday won't be all that bad after all.
End of chapter

The Child of Evil
FanfictionNo one is truly born evil. It's the people around that makes you evil.