Chapter eleven

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Naruto point of veiw ~ So far this morning has been boring except for the fact that the teacher kept calling out my clone which thus made the class make snarky comments towards him. But I do not think that he did that on purpose. He just wanted my clone to pay attention instead of looking out the window.

I learned most of the kids names that I thought would be relevant. The others I didn't think would be relevant.

The boy with the glasses is named Shino. His chakra is pretty weird but interesting he has a whole bunch bugs in him. I need to find out more about him.

The chubby kid is named Choji. He looks like he has pretty good taste in snacks. The sleeping kid was named Shikamaru. The teacher kept calling for him to wake up and pay attention. But he just went back to sleep when he answered a question.

The girl that kept looking at menma, kiba and my clone is named hinata. She has a terrible stutter which is really annoying in my opinion and she doesn't have any confidence in herself. The kid next to her is named Sai. He just stared at the teacher blankly when he kept calling on the kid.

The blonde girl that kept arguing with Mito and the pink haired girl is named Ino. The pink haired girl is named Sakura. Those three are really loud and annoying. Next to my clone was the kid that they kept arguing about. His name is Sasuke. The girls in the class except for hinata kept swooning over him. It was honestly annoying.

Other then theses people the rest are all irrelevant and not really important in my opinion. Well I did figure out the teachers name. His name is Iruka. He honestly looked done with his life with how loud the class was each time they kept talking over him.

That Sasuke kid keeps giving my clone secret glances once in a while. I can't tell with that look in his eyes or with the aura that surrounds him. He's mysterious and catches my interest.

Soon it was time for training. Each kid got equipment. I noticed how the equipment that my clone have were all rusty and old. Not to mention they had seals on them. I watched as all the kids did decent even the ones with little to no chakra. But my clone who had more chakra then anyone else did terrible.

I saw that he had chakra suppressing seals on him. They really don't want my clone getting strong do they. Very interesting. I watched as my clone looked down as almost the entire class laughed at him.

He went to the back of the line and stood there quietly as the teacher started scolding the kids for laughing at their classmate. My clone sighed and looked in my direction like he could sense me because he gave me a confused look. His sensing abilities are really good. Very interesting I have got to say.

End of chapter

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