Chapter one

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Naruto point of veiw ~ I sighed as we got close to the village "do you guys really have to go"I asked looking at my older brother and sister "yes we do Naruto but we will see you in a few months"Takashi said "but I'm going to miss you guys"I said

"We are going to miss you too Naruto but we will be back before you know it"Mariana said "fine"I said and they both hugged me "we wish you luck with your mates kit"Takashi said

"Thanks. But you know I've spent four years with the two of you and I have never once figured out who your mates were"I said "because you don't need to know yet"Mariana said "Ugh fine"I said giving them one last hug before they left.

I walked through the gates of the hidden leaf. The looks people were giving me were a mixture between Lust, Fear, Envy, Disgust and Hatred. I honestly didn't care about the looks they were giving me.

I just decided to focus on three chakra signatures and followed them to my favorite field. I decided not mask my chakra signature and increase it once I got close to them.

My three mates were laying on the field before their heads shot up to my direction. They contemplated on wether or not if they should hug me or punch me in the face "Naruto your back"Shikamaru said

"Yeah I'm back"I said "don't know if we should hug you or punch you"Neji said "I would prefer a hug"I said and they hugged me making me smile. I was pretty amazed that the three of them could fit into my chest and I was able to wrap my arms around all three of them perfectly.

"why didn't you keep in contact with us like you did Sakura, Tenten and Lee"Sasuke asked "because I don't trust this village nor do I trust the people in it. I couldn't take the risk of the letters getting compromised and me being dragged back here"I explain to them.

"But why didn't you just stay here with us"Shikamaru asked "because if I stayed here I would've went crazy and become the monster that everyone claims and thinks that I am. And I will never give people the satisfaction of actually breaking my patience"I said

"We missed you. Like a lot"Sasuke said "I missed you guys too. Why don't we catch up later seeing as I still need to see Tenten, Sakura, Lee and tell the Hokage that I'm back as well. And I need to go clean up my place as well"I said they just hugged me tighter.

"Fine"they said "I'll see you guys later okay"I said "okay"they said I gave them a hug once more then I left.

So Sakura was most definitely right there was a seal on them. And it's a cursed seal a high level one at that. I wonder who had the audacity to put that on my mates. Whoever did id going to pay that's for sure.

End of chapter

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