Naruto point of veiw ~ "Please let us go"they both said "why we're you both trying to kill me"I said "we thought you were one of the people after me"the green haired girl said "your the Jinchūriki of Takigakure"I said "former Jinchūriki. As you can tell I ran away"she said
"And it says that you kidnapped the kages son"I said "she didn't kidnap me I ran away with her because they killed my father"he said and I let them go "what do you mean"I asked confused "the elders of my village killed my father and tried to pin the blame on Fū. I ran away with her because they wanted to kill me as well. And I didn't want to be separated from her"he said
"So you two are mates I take it"I said "how did you know that"they both asked "I'm the Jinchūriki of the nine tails"I said "really your just like me"Fū said "yeah kinda"I said "Chomei doesn't like you"she said
"Chomei"I asked confused "the seven tails"the guy said "he's Shibuki by the way. And Chomei says he doesn't like you. Or well he doesn't like the nine tails"She said "well why don't we talk to him"I said "we can do that"they both asked "yeah let's sit"I said and the three of us sat on the ground and I pulled them into Fū's mindscape along with Mariana and Takashi.
"Naruto what the hell"Takashi said "sorry but I found Uncle Chomei and his daughter Fū along with her mate"I said "okay then"they both said "so you are my younger brothers children"Uncle Chomei said
"Yes we are"I said "wait so Chomei your my dad like for real"Fū asked "yes I am kid"he said "how"Fū asked "I had sex with some lady and boom you were here and I was sealed into you. Plus I don't like people anyways but I have you so at least I have an offspring"he said
"So your asexual"I said "yes I am"he said "so can I call you dad"Fū asked "knock yourself out"Uncle Chomei said "anyways so you still hate dad"Mariana asked "nah I forgave the runt after I had my own brat. I get why he left because of you two runts"Uncle Chomei said
"So are you willing to see him again"I asked "yeah sure why not. But you gotta keep my runts safe"Uncle Chomei said "of course we will. The three of you will be going to live with uncle Shukaku and his family"Mariana said "so we are cousins"Fū asked
"Yes we are"Takashi said "so what are your names. I am so excited. I've never had a family outside of Dad and Shibuki before"Fū said "I'm Naruto"I said "Takashi"Taka said "Mariana"Ana said "nice to meet you. What are our other cousins names"Fū asked
"Temari, Gaara and Kankuro. I have a feeling that you will get along with Temari. She has been itching to fight another strong kinochi. She's getting tired of fighting her mate Tenten and her future sister in law Sakura"I answered
"Awesome. I can't wait. They will protect us right"Fū asked "yes they will. Gaara is the kage of the hidden sand. So he will protect you and you will be under the sands protection"I said and Fū hugged me "thank you"She said "no problem"I said. I guess this trip won't be so bad after all.
But I have a feeling that helping our aunts and uncles won't be as easy as it was with Fū and uncle Chomei. Then again helping uncle Shukukau was a challenge. But I hope it will be worth it in the end.
End of chapter

The Child of Evil
FanfictionNo one is truly born evil. It's the people around that makes you evil.