Sakura point of veiw ~ You know I actually feel bad for the way I treated Naruto growing up. I actually noticed that he isn't all that bad. And that all the things my mom poured into my head are all lies. I honestly don't know why I'm friends with girls like Mito and Ino.
I honestly don't like Sasuke if I'm being honest. He is cute and all but he has a crush on Naruto so we wouldn't work out and he is a total bottom as well. He and Shikamaru both like Naruto and I have a feeling that this new guy Neji has a thing for Naruto. I wonder who will be choose. This will be interesting to see.
"Okay pinkie why did you call me over here for"Naruto asked as we were a distance away from Sasuke "I want to apologize for the way I've treated you since the day that I've met you"I said "what's with the sudden change of heart"he asked
"I've done some thinking these last two months during my training alone. Without having people pouring lies into my head I was able to do some serious thinking and evaluating my life choices up until now"I explain "Hmm okay but I don't forgive you for the past but I am willing to move forward with you to become friends in the future"He said
"Thank you"I said "let's head back Sasuke looks agitated"Naruto said and I nodded and we walked back to Sasuke "finally what did you two talk about you took forever when we could've been finding our way out of this forest"He said annoyed but his voice was laced with jealousy.
"Nothing to worry about"I said and Sasuke sent me a slight glare and I just ignored it. Naruto then started to lead us out of the forest. It took a few hours until we were out.
"You are the fourth team out of the forest congratulations"Anko said "so what do we do now"I asked you can go wait with the other three teams"she answered and we headed back to the classroom we were in for the test.
The team from the sand, team Gai, and team ten were already here. Shikamaru and Neji were having a glare off. I'm not surprised that Neji and Shikamru figured out each other's feelings for Naruto. They both are really smart. Neji broke eye contact with Shikamaru in favor of Naruto.
"Naruto what took you so long"Neji asked "Sakura and I need to talk. What place did you get"Naruto asked "Second"Neji answered "We got first"Temari said smugly "so team ten came in third place"I said "that would be correct now we are waiting for some more teams to come I guess"Tenten said and I nodded. She went to go talk to temari. Choji and Ino were talking to Kankuro. I was sitting next Gaara and Rock Lee watching Sasuke, Naruto, Shikamaru and Neji.
"So Naruto after we're done do you want to go get some ramen with me"Neji asked "Like a date it as a friend hangout celebrating our advancement"Naruto asked "A-A umm date if you don't mind"Neji said with a slight blush "yeah I would love to go on a date with you Neji"Naruto said with a beaming smile.
"Yes NaruNeji is shipping"Lee whispered "NaruNeji I believe NaruSasu would be much better"I whispered to Lee "I happen to think NaruShika would be better"Gaara whispered back
"Excuse you Neji already made his move unlike Shikamaru and Sasuke so it's going to be NaruNeji"Lee said sending us a glare "this is just a set back plus Naruto and Sasuke are teammates they will be spending more time together then with Shikamaru and Neji so it's eventually going to be NaruSasu"I said
"I feel like Shikamaru can swoop in and take naruto for himself you never know what the future will hold"Gaara said we glared at each other like shikamaru, Sasuke and Neji. This was honestly going to be interesting. But NaruSasu will prevail. If not Naruto will probably end up dating all of them.
End of chapter

The Child of Evil
FanfictionNo one is truly born evil. It's the people around that makes you evil.