Chapter five

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Naruto point of veiw ~ Like I thought everyone was pissed especially mom even though she already knows what happened. The door was opened and dad walked through with my siblings. I immediately hugged Sora and Toro "nii-San we missed you"they both said "aww i missed you guys too"i said before the rest of the my siblings joined the hug

"I sensed your mother's bloodlust. Its suffocating everyone even saiken-nii"dad said "ohh wow if auntie really scared uncle that means she is really mad"temari said "which is why i brought reinforcements. So kids go outside. Your mother wont harm you especially if two of you aren't carrying her grandkids"dad said

"And what about you"i asked "i will protect your mates"dad said making us sigh and go out to hug mama who calmed down. She took a few deep breaths "so"mama asked "we will join you as long as we can have revenge"Yoshino and Mikoto said "get in line lady Taka and I have first dibs after we give birth"Mari said

"Why do you look like you're six months pregnant"I asked looking at my siblings "ohh baby you really need to come back home. You forget that time runs differently. Four days here is four months back home"mama said "ooh yeah that means we get to have my nieces and nephews soon"I said

"I'm gonna be a grandma"Mikoto asked "yeah"Taka said "to"Fugaku asked "we are having one of each so twin cousins"Mari said "they've already planned it out too. Mari, Rin, mama and I will train the girls. While Taka, Dad, Sora, and Toro will train the boys when they turn three. Then when they're six we switch. Then when they are nine they train with the rest of our family until they are twelve"Izumi said

"I can't wait to be an uncle"I said "wait don't we have a say in this"Itachi and Kakashi asked "no"Taka and Mari said as mom glared at them making them back down "but anyways a rule of where we come from everyone trains does not matter if you are young or old"dad said

"This means we need Ino and Choji on our side"Inochi and Choza said "don't worry about that Sai has got that covered"Sakura said "Sai"I asked "he was our spy on the inside when we weren't here"Lee explained "ohh I trained you two well. This is why your my best friends"I said

"Mari and Taka trained us"Lee said "I was there for moral support but you are my best friends though"I said "and that we are"Lee and Sakura said hugging me "but are sai and ino dating"I asked "no"they both said "but they like each other"I said "mito is in the way of getting them together"Lee said

"We need to change that. Sakura you think you can get her to be your best friend again"I asked "yes but I'll need some help. Tenten and Hinata what do you say"Sakura asked "of course"Tenten said "I'll help but question who is Sai"Hinata said making us all snicker

"and I thought Menma and I were the dumb ones"Kiba said snickering "he's the one that sorta looks like Sasuke but a lot paler and likes to paint and shows no facial emotions because Danzo killed his brother in front of him"Menma said "ohh I remember him now. I helped ino pick out flowers to bring to his brother's grave"Hinata said.

How is it she remembers that. But now I can see her and Menma becoming best friends. But I'm glad everyone is getting along. I so can't wait for this war. But we need to find the rest of our family along with bringing Choji over to our side along with Ino with the help of Sai. I wonder if we can also get Kureani, Iruka, Anko, Asuma, Gai, and Yamato. That will be a Kakashi and Itachi task.

End of chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2024 ⏰

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