Chapter nine

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Kurama point of veiw ~ I can't believe it's the brats twelfth birthday. And it's a week before the brat is leaving us again. I've only had ten years with the brat and he is already leaving me what the actual hell. I can't stop the kid he is just as stubborn and as hard headed as me and won't change his mind once he's made it up. So fucking annoying. I was currently hanging outside with the brat as his mother and sisters set up for his birthday.

"So dad why are we out here"he asked confused "I wanted to give you a pre birthday present"I said "what the hell is a pre birthday present"he asked confused "it's a present I give you to one up your mother and sisters"I said and he just laughed.

"So what did you get me"he asked confused "here you go kit"I said handing him a silver case and he opened it. It was two black scrolls "what are these"he asked confused "they are fox summoning scrolls"I answered

"Fox summoning scrolls I thought theses didn't exist"he asked "they exist and are rare. These scrolls are even rare then the others which are ten in existence and these two are the only two in existence. Your mother had five and I had five. We are able to summon the fox spirits but they live in the sixth circle which only we can go to"I explain

"And you haven't showed me that why"he asked "because you haven't summoned your contracted spirits yet"I explain "so theses two are mine then"he asked excitedly "yes kit they are yours"I said smiling fondly as my child activated the summoning scrolls with his blood. A summoning circle appeared and two baby foxes stood in front of him.

He sitting down petting them "you two are adorable what are your names"the kit asked "kit you have to name them. They don't have names"I explain as I sat down next to him.

"How about Sora for the white and red baby fox and Toro for the grey baby fox"He said and the two foxes yipped happily opening their eyes. Sora and Toro had matching icy-blue eyes.

"Theses mini kits are strong and they are going to need a lot of training in order to transform and speak"I said "I might not be able to train them all the time though while I'm back in that village"The kit explains "well you can either leave them in the hands of the sixth circle foxes or you can leave them with us. Which ever you choose do I'll support you no matter what"I said

"Hmm can you, mom, izumi and Rin train them"he asked "if that's what you wish kit we will. Now why don't we help the mini kits get rid of some of the excess chakra they are producing"I said "are we turning into our regular fox forms or mini forms"Naruto asked

"Mini forms so we don't scare the mini kits"I answered "okay papa"Naruto said shifting and running with Sora and Toro. I'm really going to miss the kit. But I will rain down hell if anyone puts my kit in a dangerous situation.

End of chapter

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