Naruto point of veiw ~ I can't believe it's the day that I actually leave. I will be switching places with a blood clone that my mom created. The two of us will be combining. I will learn everything my clone has learned and experienced theses past ten years.
I hugged my family good by once more. Dad explained to me how I would have to use my senses in order to find my clone. I understood what he meant as a portal opened through the forest of death. I took a deep breath and walked out into the forest.
I looked back and smiled into the portal as it shut. I masked my presence, power and chakra and turned invisible as I walked through the forest. All the animals stayed clear of my path as I walked into the village.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I focused on trying to find my chakra signature. My explained to me since I was her and dads kid my chakra would be a mixture of red, blue and black. I opened my eyes and followed my chakra signature.
It lead me through the village. All theses people looked happy and content with their lives. But the aura they had held malice, hatred, and fear. They all held disgust and hatred in their eyes. But to who they couldn't see me. That's when I looked and saw my blood clone walking with his head down through the village.
He had a sad and scared aura around him. I decided instead of quickly combining with him I would see how the people of this village treated him or well me.
As he walked people started throwing things at him. And yelling for him to die and to got to hell. They called him a murder, a monster, a beast, and demon.
These people are terrible. I walked next to him and I noticed he had tears in his eyes but he didn't let them fall. We approached a building where he took a deep breath and quickly wiped his tears. He then had a bright fake smile on his face interesting. I followed him into a room filled with kids.
This must be the academy. I walked and leaned on the wall "dead last why do you even bother coming to class it's not like you are ever going to pass"a boy with brown hair brown eyes who had triangles on his face yelled at my blood clone.
"Shut up Kiba I am so going to pass and be the next Hokage believe it"blood clone me "oh please you are just a disgrace to the family putting a bad name to mom and dads legacy"a red haired boy said making my blood clone flinch and his eyes went black but no one really noticed as they were laughing at my clone
"Menma don't waste your breath on the demon brat"a red haired girl said "I guess your right Mito. I just wish we weren't related he makes us look bad"Menma said. My blood clone went to his seat and sat down.
He was sitting next to a duck butt haired kid who just stared at him for a moment before looking away. My clone just looked outside. This is going to be an interesting day.
Besides kiba, Menma, Mito, and the duck butt haired kid there weren't that many people that caught my interest except for a chubby brown haired kid with swirls on his cheek who was sitting next to a sleeping next to a pineapple haired boy. Next to kiba was a kid with glasses.
Mito was fighting with a pink haired girl and blonde haired girl over someone named Sasuke. There was black haired girl with pale eyes who kept looking between kiba, menma, and my clone. She was bright red and she couldn't choose who to keep sending secret glances at.
Next to her was a pale black haired boy who was just drawing in his notebook ignoring everyone and everything around him. I have a feeling that theses people have played and are going to continue to play a big part in mine and my blood clones lives.
End of chapter

The Child of Evil
FanfictionNo one is truly born evil. It's the people around that makes you evil.