Chapter seven

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Izumi point of veiw ~ "Hey Naru what are you up to"I asked my little brother who was in the library with stacks of books "hi Izu-nee I'm just reading and getting through various books"he answered.

I took a seat next to him "you've read all theses books"I asked "well half of them"he answered "figures your a huge book worm like mom and dad. Rin and I can read as nearly as much as you three"I said and he giggled "true"he said

"So what's going on with you. Lately you've seen to have got a lot on your mind"I said "you know me too well née-Chan"he said "of course I do. I'm your body guard and big sister after all so what's up"I answered then asked.

"I want to go back to Konoha"he said "why would you want to go back"I asked confused and worried "because I want to be able to face my fears and I want to be able to become a ninja. And I also want to prove all those people wrong about me. I want to be able to handle my problems without you guys being there to handle them for me"he confessed

"What are you going to do if they try and hurt you or do something bad to you"I asked "I am able to protect and defend myself and if anything gets too out of hand I will summon you guys to come and help me. Plus I know you guys will be there to stop anything from happening to me if it's something that wouldn't be able to stop myself"he answered

"It's going to take a lot of convince mom and dad to let you go back there again"I said "I know that's why I'm going to do my hardest to convince them too let me go no matter what"he said "you really are determined to go there again aren't you"I said

"Of course nee-Chan"he said "okay I may not like it but just know that I will be supporting you and your decision every step of the way"I said and he hugged me "thank you nee-Chan"he said "of course little brother I will always stand by your side because you have me a second chance and gave me a home as well"I answered as he quickly fell asleep.

I will do everything in my power to be there for you Naruto and be able to protect you as well. That is my vow as a shinobi, an assassin, a bodyguard, a doctor, a wolf, a demon, and a big sister. If anyone tries to harm even one head on your body they are going to face a fate greater then hell it's self. And it's not only just from me either it's going to be from the entire family. We will make them pay if they hurt you again.

End of chapter

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