Chapter five

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Naruto point of veiw ~ "Eke Rin-née put me down"I said giggling as she put me on top of her shoulders spinning me around really fast "Naru where's the fun in that"She said continuing to spin me around as I laughed.

"Rin dear put Naruto down he's going to puke all over you if you don't"Mom said and she put me down quickly "thank you nee-Chan"I said and she ruffled my hair "I just don't want you puking all over me again"she said and I pouted

"That was one time"I whined "and something I would not like to repeat again"she said "Rin why don't you go for a run you have a lot of energy you need to get rid off plus you still need to get into the habit of shifting with your clothes on. But also practice running higher with your water and fire jutsu's and not just your earth"mom said

"Ugh fine"she said pouting but shifting into a two meet brown wolf with red eyes. She was six foot five in feet. Rin then took off running with her fire and water jutsu's taking her off the ground. She was also the same size as mom when she is in her Fox form. Izumi was the same size as Rin and mom. She had brown fur and and blue eyes. Dad was four meters tall. So thirteen feet and one inch. He was the tallest of us all. He had orange and black fur with red eyes.

"So baby do you want to try shifting into your Fox form"Mom asked "No thank you"I said "why not honey I know you can shift already"mom said pulling me into her lap "because I am smaller then you guys"I said tearing up.

"Honey you are just a growing kit. You will get bigger over time don't worry honey. By the time you are sixteen years old you will be even bigger then your sisters and I. But still smaller then your dad. So you have nothing to be ashamed of"Mom said

"O-Okay"I said burying my head in her chest "why don't we join your sister in her run"mom said "okay mama"I said shifting along with mom. Mama was really pretty she was a white fox with nine tails and she had pretty red and black markings all over her fur. She also had pretty blue eyes as well. I was like papa and had orange and black fur with red eyes.

"Come on kit"mom said and I nodded running towards Rin and knocking her down and she growled at me making me laugh "Naruto"she growled and licked her nose "Your it. Mom run Rin is it"I yelled running away with mom as Rin ran after us.

We played tag for about two hours until dad and izumi jumped on us in their wolf and fox forms. Dad jumped on mom while izumi jumped on Rin and I.

"I thought you guys were supposed to be training"Dad asked "we are training honey. The kids need to learn to use their jutsu's on their other forms so we took it upon ourselves to play tag and give Naruto confidence in shifting"mom explains pushing dad off of her and izumi came off us.

I went up to dad who bent to my height and stared at his matching red eyes. I then licked his nose "dads it everyone run"I said running away with my mom and sisters as dad laughed. I really do love my family. I am happy for what has happened in my life up until now.

End of chapter

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