Chapter eight

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Kakashi point of veiw ~ Theses two are very interesting and annoying at the same time. This years chunin exams were pretty boring watching no named ninjas from different villages fight.

After about two hours it was someone from village. I looked and saw that they put Naruto against a thirty something year old ninja from some village. It's kinda embarrassing being thirty something and doing the chunin exams.

But gotta give the man the credit for sticking out this long and not quitting. But the killer intent from him was strong "an assassin"Mariana said from next to me. So it's a cover up "let the match begin"minato-sama announced.

The ninja immediately attacked Naruto who dodged. The ninja kept attacking Naruto who dodged him including his water and fire attacks.

"Naruto"Mariana said making Naruto look up at her as he caught the man's fist "yeah"Naruto yelled "beat his ass"Takashi said as Naruto flipped the man over and twisted his arm behind his back "but he's an assassin and a grown ass man"Naruto said

"Okay and you were trained by the two of us so beat his fucking ass already I want to go home"Mariana and Takashi said at the same time "fine"Naruto said as he beat the man into a bloody pulp with just his bare hands shocking everyone including me. Seeing as I did not teach him that.

"Naruto Uzumaki wins"Minato-sama says in shock. I was honestly shocked at how bored Naruto looked while beating a grown ass man "that was boring"he whispered while going back to his seat.

"They should've given him a challenge instead of a b-rank assassin. Like if your gonna kill the kid at least send an S-rank assassin or something"Mariana and Takashi said with a sigh

"Every day I start to see how Naruto is growing to be just a mixture of the both of you"Gai said "Aww thank you Gai we take that as a compliment"Mariana said

"Of course you would"Itachi said "what's that supposed to mean uchiha"Mariana asked with a sneer "only psychopaths would take pride in training a demon"I said "and you two so happen to be psychopaths as well"Itachi said

The two sent us a glare "we're going to kill you one day we hope you know that"they both said "we would like to see you try"Itachi said "oh believe it we will have your heads as trophies on our walls"they both sneered

"Your not as intimidating as you might think"I said "You don't scare us"Itachi said then suddenly the room went dead silent as we felt a large amount of killer intent which made us freeze and a shiver went down my back.

"Are you really sure about that Itachi Uchiha and Kakashi Hatake"The twin assassins growled as there was a katana near my neck that cut through the cloth protecting it and I could feel blood start seeping down my neck and on to the katana.

I glared at Mariana who was glaring back at me but I was not backing "Mariana and Takashi no"Naruto said making the two back down and remove the katanas from our necks. I watched as Mariana licked my blood off of her weapon.

I should be disgusted but I'm not gonna lie that was kinda hot "next time we'll slice your heads clean off your bodies"the twins said putting their weapons away and the killer intent dissipated. For the rest of the day Itachi and I stayed quite. I'm not gonna lie they kinda scare me now. I wonder if they would've killed us if Naruto didn't stop them. And where did their weapons even come from. I guess they really do love up to their assassin titles.

End of chapter

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