Chapter 17 - Slaughters at a Bank

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The team of Zorri, Finn and Lindro assigned by Poe and with the bonus member her druid head to a planet somewhere in the upper region of the outer rim grouped zones. A lot more left and inwards than Cantonica. It's the peak time of sunlight in the day must be afternoon too. They located to a distinct metropolis region of the city that could be easily picked out relatively near in space or once circulating the planet. The stop is a tall building. Not the tallest but it is roundish based, tall and unique with lots of electric blue light bars through the tall neck of the building where you would normally find windows. As the sun blazes and their craft flies somewhere for parking.

It looks like a bank from the logo with a cash note and a comet integrated as one. The comet crashing with effect into the banknote to be precise. Large glass doors but quite busy streets and an empty park nearby not before a large pedestrian zone square too. Zorri knows the bank and the planet well. They take the lifts. There is only a B (basement), (G) ground floor and a 1,2 and 3. They press 3. There is a long way from floor 2 to floor 3. They arrive in a small room somewhere at the top. In that room, there are a few people Zorri approaches someone. Could be a friend and engages in conversation with the woman looking similar to Rose (in ethnicity).

Finn was enquiring earlier and Zorri replied back:

"Why are there only 3 or 4 floors when it's such a tall building here?"

"Most of the 2nd floor are just supercomputers that store details about bank users and companies. There is probably another lift or set of stairways somewhere there."

Back to the top floor. The impression is Zorri is familiar with the place and enquires if any suspicious activity of such has been happening lately? She hears of a few visitors. Young beings - partly metal and another with a big of green skin on him otherwise human and them having no proof or verification to confirm their indentity. Completely foreign documents that were rejected.

"It's like they weren't even from this galaxy. They probably are because a galaxy is quite a large structure you can easily forget"...

Emergency as alarm sirens go off! Diono Zion and Daarth Narbothh made it to the main bank on the current planet where team Zorri is currently at on the top floor. The situation: they look from the video camera as two local league Jedis (the number mentioned by the female bank staff) and 5 other lightsaber trained fighters (not quite the standard sensing a fight like a Jedi) somewhat expecting trouble quickly arrive on the scene and try to protect the bank on the ground floor's circular lounge. They get slaughtered by Diono Zion. Six fighters are taken out by Zion's two double-bladed lightsabers in battle and Narbothh easily wins a one-on-one with one lightsaber dueller. He then claps at his crime partner's efforts. From a window there are sounds of guns too as druids shoot out as some escapees presumably from an emergency exit escape door for the building they were in.

They all look fearful. Lindro tells them they'll have to hide soon and not to challenge him or them or they would all die as there was 'no chance' against the familiar Zion. Finn understood. Zorri's face is in extreme fear. Her friend at the bank notices everyone had left and it was too late. She seems to have a given up downbeat face. They make it in a small security room (Zorri, the bank lady, Finn and Lindro) that looks like a wardrobe but the door won't shut it's broken. Zorri is panicking a little, small cry from her but realises she has to be quiet.

They can only look through the door gaps as Diono Zion makes it up to that floor in the building and their room. They all remain quiet. Zorri loses her stranded droid that slowly approached Zion - bang! Zion's hit! The cyborg-like monster uses his lightsaber again and breaks a safe and then is still for a moment and takes some footsteps forward slowly. Narbothh takes a whole safe worth of money and puts it into a well-designed box with a handle as money going into the box automatically stacked itself up via some sort of sophisticated technology it possesses. Will he get near and sense them then open the door and find the team there?

Zorri feared the worse and in a bit of tears but still quiet. Her heart rate must be hitting through the roof. Lindro was sweating a bit. Finn looked the coolest of them all but you could sense he was also tense from his eyes as Lindro and Finn slowly peeped then hid their heads whilst Zorri was sitting on the floor as they all stood still and silent. Narbothh calls him saying they need to get out of here soon as the numbers will come for them as they both leave. The sound of the lift opening and closing then seconds later team Zorri come out of the mini room.

They sneaked out slowly in fear. They could hear gunfire below. Eventually from the window they see the enemy's smaller craft (first was invisible but small number of druid soldiers surrounded the area) as it turns visible after the druids and the two dark lords enter and then fly away.

As for the druid Lindro calmingly smiles at Zorri.

"I'm good with machinery I can try my best. If no luck then perhaps try to retrieve its memory or some memory on another robot?"

Her tears were drying after fearing the worst, still appearing speechless, and showing some relief and agreeing gestures to Lindo's requests.


Poe gets a call.

 "What... Wait, what... WHAT !!!! .... .... ... Phewww we almost lost the team, Finn, Lindro and... ... Zorri... Right... Right!!!"

He looks back at Chewie and hints that it is difficult times right now after a growl of disbelief from the furry creature.


Moments later back at the bank Lindro picks his phone up from his pocket and see's a hologram of G-KR from it after clicking a screen button or few. He passes on the news and a conversation exchanges.

"Zion was here!"

"What happened - so you managed to survive?"

"He was meters away just meters! We were silent and hidden. We were stranded and for a moment thought we were gone like the Jediths we saw on the live camera feed."

"They call them Jedis here but yeah that was a close one hope you guys were alright! I guess general commander Poe was right about split teams".


"We need to be outta here as soon as possible..."


"Looks like the emergency crews have arrived below"


Somewhere a lot further away...

Zion is in his spacecraft now co-piloting as Commander Nexus (the female robot) looks occupied on the communications board. Zion has a vision... He sees Finn's face in a dark room, cannot make out the two other entities... He sees Lindro briefly... He sees the space in front of him again and comments:

"I think... No!... They were there! Some of them. Your double - the one who took down Vorrhyymn and one of Reinhald's top men... I almost had them! Just a second or few there and I may have sensed them!"

Narbothh with a quick reply with an angry disgusted face.

"Oh! Bummer! ... They will be gone by now"

The Ghost Commander's projection shows up from the communication center.

"Don't worry about them; their time will come. All of them! Keep working on the superweapon facilities".

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