Chapter 8 - Revisit and Reunion at Canto Bight

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With Rey already landed. Finn and Scholl continue to travel at a slower lightspeed pace curving around all the way to Cantonica and decide to go to Canto Bight.


"This is quite a long trip we'll be needing some fuel when we get there just to balance back the tank!"


"I know and will work on it overnight. It's gonna be all alright at Canto Bight."

Before they reached there they saw something a little further away as they relaxed the speed. It cannot be seen properly but looked like a bubble with some light engine on the back. Not one but a few of them. Scholl points to it as Finn replies:

"You see that? ..."

"What the freak is that?"

In a far distance, a few bubbly objects wavering the light of stars or even galaxies with a light on the back like orbs raced across the blackish and star glittered sky and already gone by the time they sneaked closer and closer. They looked mystified as Finn's head was still looking deep to the right-hand side from his right-hand side joint cockpit and Scholl looked more resigned to what happened and focused straight ahead. 

The area sometime later turns to brownish-black. Must be reflected light in abundance perhaps? ... A minor asteroid field came about but the craft comfortably passed through. Just a few minor turns as a radar in 3D mode showed arrows of objects up and down with numbers and green and red color coding as they passed without problems. Finn looked a little phased as he spoke and Scholl replied after:

"A few too many asteroids for my liking"

"The system is good its radar is vast and more specifically designed for these slightly hairy moments".

They saw a large rock around a hundred meters or so flash above their heads from right to left a little further ahead too. They could hear the sound using their technology sensitive to sounds in space where it can be difficult for sound to travel. The asteroids were clearing and the blackening of space and the glittered nature of stars but a little darker here had resumed. They were passing a few gas giants one of a pink color and another one being light blue. They finally approached and reached the planet from Episode VIII and followed the lights to Canto Bight....

They rushed through the atmosphere before arriving into the darker night regions and followed the lights through until they found the sphere-shaped dome buildings in order to reach the parking bays somewhere closer to the ground.

Soon enough they were up in the lifts and into the casino premises. Scholl briefly told reception area security they are Jedis and here to find out a little more information. Finn gets a call and Rose appears there too briefly (first on hologram projection then switched to phone mode) hinting that she is investing in a project she funded since the fall of the First and Final Order. Also inquiring how long before they met again later that night.

Back into the casino. The two Jedis wonder about this time casting the impression they are the ones of power as players of alien descent, humans and casino staff look with wonder. Eventually, at one of the busier table they come face-to-face with a team and conversations begin.

They inquire about suspicious activities and investigate. Finn also proudly flaunts the fact he is a Jedi too maybe some anger after what happened in the past. He tries to find out if anything suspicious has happened since in a pressing manner. To their surprise, it seemed unusually quiet. He got a little angry very very briefly and didn't believe them before calming down as Scholl took him to his friends' place after a cooled and on-the-whole a friendly chat with the top security people at the city and casino metropolis eventually in a security room before leaving with ease too.

At a quieter location more village-like with a distant tall city in sight they arrive at some of Scholl's closest friends and supporters. They were singing on the same hymn sheet about how things have been quieter and regulated since the fall of the First and Final Order. Even the roulettes and lotteries are heavily regulated apparently. Scholl decides to stay as Finn decides to visit Rose.

So as Scholl stays and hangs out with old friends and a night in a bar. Finn and Rose spend the night together after Rose informs and updates about the progress of the project and a new Fathier racecourse for promising youngsters whilst laying out the foundation of how to stop corruption too. However, being a temple patrol team leader at Talleone remains her top priority for now.

Scholl to friends:

"I got to get to the 27-hour open fuel supply station. We'll meet again another time hopefully soon after we stop these mysterious space pirates of late.


Bye-bye now!"

The new longer styled royal black and orange X-Wing enters an arc with lots of lights and aliens serving them. Scholl sleeps a bit in the craft... An alien hand on the window and knock to wake him up...

He goes to a rented apartment of some sort looking like an electronic stubby mushroom hut as the night sky looms over. They decided to stay there for the time being as there were no danger or highly spread news of progressing threats in the galaxy at the immediate moment.

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