Chapter 22 - Reinhald's Speech and Key Military Strategies

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The team had come together back on the planet. Either Mandalore or Dantooine and back in a large hall expecting mainy people mainly pilots and soldiers. Scholl looked like he was getting better and more able. G-KR hints he is ready to give a speech as people gathered into the hall but Team Rey and a few of Team Reinhald were in the backroom to this conference hall alongside a few other local generals.

Rey realised they needed to come up with a plan and the other generals agree. They cannot let a man looking like Kylo Ren get so much attention in the way it sends out the wrong message or encourage First Order sympathisers and fanatics but a few people enter to assist with a mask resembling a royal white knight or horse - almost like an angelic animal-themed version of a Kylo Ren mask. As G-KR puts on the mask and enters the conference hall to give a speech. 

In a speech, G-KR plots a strategy. He gives a speech in his white mask (shaped like a royal horse with a metallic and robotic feel) which he had to wear in case of an uproar and accusation of being Kylo Ren by any chance too not just the fallout mentioned earlier.

"GOOD EVENING! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello to all the wise pilots, soldiers and good people and servants of this galaxy my name is General Kieran Reinhald I will be leading the charge against the Qil-Xyborg Enemy Sphere alongside my fellow Jedi companion Rey Skywalker.."

Everyone's mood had been lifted with a lot of positive energy flying through the room. Almost like it is a dyad of its own. He opens up his speech signifying the useful nature of Fluorochomium and how it will be used to an advantage. He believes the enemy's level of Fluorochomium is wearing down so they may switch to use a hybrid technology in the form of satellite probes that initiate invibility to the enemy crafts. However to win and breach access into the enemy sphere safely a minimum of 300 crafts would be needed. At least 4-5 good vessels under an invisibility mode activated by the use of Fluorochomium.

"The plan is to storm! Storm right in and cause a diversion and decoy with our regular crafts and target all their stealth mode enabling satellites whilst shooting down some of their crafts with upgraded laser we have recently been using. Showing up numbers at once will cause a sense of panic and no time to properly think for the enemy,"

A small problem will be the enemies can detect invisibility with AI technology it's not easy but can make a difference in time and reaction towards the opposition but with lots of visible crafts it can be a major problem for the enemy. One hand is raised in the air as the person stands up to make themselves be seen to ask their question. The person asks why more invisible vessels are not used and Reinhald gives the reply:

"Fluorochomium is a rare mineral first and foremost and also... Too many invisible players on the battlefield would cause chaos and friendly fire".

After laying out the foundations of how they will attack the enemy sphere, how the Fluorochomium shelling will be added to some of their crafts, numbers and tactics. He goes into the framework for soldiers and a limited group of stealth (invisibility cloaked using Fluorochromium) operated soldiers in small numbers to play a leading role inside the enemy base whilst the Jedi soldiers (Rey, Finn, Scholl and Reinhald himself) prepare for more dangerous battles surrounded in large teams with their soldiers if possible. Special Infrared detectors at early stages of enemy design can be slow at picking up invisible opponents so the allied team could have a massive advantage.

They are aware they will have to face up to Diono Zion. A grueling thought but the Jedis seem ready. The general makes a small speech of how the Jedis will be involved, suggesting first the stealth ships then the allied ships, first the stealth soldiers, then regular ones than the Jedis for the red alert moments in that order. Everyone gives a large thunderous roar as the speech finishes. The two teams of Rey and the general come back to the center of the stage as the military lecture session is over.

Scholl feels like he is getting stronger by each hour. He does try to blame himself but his team remind him this is not like anything he has ever encountered in this galaxy and it's new to him so it wasn't his fault. Liena seemed to comfort Scholl's arm a bit as he seemed more relax.

Rey and Reinhald edge closer towards a side of the hall and begin to talk. Rey first and the general follows up and she replies and vice versa:

Rey: "I was beginning to think about the wormhole..."

Reinhald: "Me too. Do you think that..."

Rey: "I think we can shut it off. We continue to do what we did last time and connect other parts of the midichlorians that are being absent in the mental process, the body and the intermediate field..."

Reinhald: "We can locate and execute them..."

Rey: "it will help and make things easier..."

Reinhald: "... and increase the chance of peace in both galaxy and dimensions."

They both give each other a comforting look and a slight break of a smile as other members of their teams come together.

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