Chapter 25 - Assault On The Sphere

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"Keep the approach scattered"...

The words on a united radio transmission broadcast to his new team from General Reinhald.

Lots of Citizen Fleet spacecrafts or starships with the likes of X-Wings and the elite mixture are many lightyears away from the sphere which is somewhere well within 0.5 lightyears where the wormhole had closed.


Back at the sphere... the radar that shows most approaching vehicles are 15-25 lightyears ahead sees a wave of scattered readings from the opposite direction of the wormhole approaching fast. The female robot Nexus who earlier led co-command to a larger ship realizes it:

"The joint enemy waves are coming but not at full speed... It seems they got a plan."

Narbothh signals:

"We will have to go on the defensive!"


"Activate all invisibility satellites... They will need time to start going but... but..."


"We haven't really tested them much yet..."


"The models are still good!!! Cut the pessimism out kid I find it really disturbing and makes me wanna... Anyway, we haven't got time. Scramble the forces!"

The Ghost Commander looks out in his window in a different part of the sphere and closes his eyes and is in deep concentration.

A small number of allied crafts make it through...

"We are going to charge into them! I got a GOOD feeling here!"

Another pilot reminds him:

"You guys are way ahead of yourselves! ... Forgot your stealth mode?"

The pilots look worried as some sort of force lightning from the sky hits their crafts sending them into an explosion as the ghost commander opens his angry eyes. He looks on the screen of a circular radar gadget on his hand.

"Damn they are still coming!!!"

After causing some allied crafts to explode the ghost commander is on the move. He passes through the silver and light-shone areas away from the windows. He's gone somewhere...


A strong single-file of allied crafts from 5-10 lightyears away is moving closer to the sphere. Suddenly something from the tail end shoots down half a dozen of their crafts!

Poe screams:

"Scatter out you guys you almost lost the plot we are too narrow! They saw us!"

Some of the crafts at the front do a banana peel style u-turn and using their infrared reading add-ons on their helmets they see some distinct blob-shaped enemy crafts and shoot them down as another half dozen allied crafts blew up in space"

Reinhald on the radio:

"We have to shoot them around 6-8 times before they go down they have powerful designs but just for the record there"

Rey from a different line of space vessels or legion of command with her craft in the back of the leading fraction in the front line:

"I read them they are coming thick and fast from almost all directions".

Her radar shows dots coming everywhere.


"Team now's the time to activate stealth mode!"

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