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George's pov:

We got to the apartments and Dream got his card out and put the code in, we started walking until we got to the elevator and went to the 3rd floor. We started walking to a door with the numbers '404' Dream unlocked it and we both walked in. It was a nice apartment and very space-is. I pulled out my phone and went to Instagram.

He placed them next to me and started walking to the kitchen "cups in here, plates, bowls, spoons, knifes, and forks. Got it?" I nodded and he grabbed a cup of water and ice. He looked at me and started walking towards his room turning off the hallway light, I laid down and started to fall asleep on the couch.

˜"*°•.˜"*°• time skip •°*"˜.•°*"˜

I woke up and looked around seeing Dream in the kitchen making breakfast "morning, hopefully you slept well. We have to go to Phil's office for him to tell us something" I hummed in response and started walking to the restroom to brush my teeth and get ready.

I finished all that and walked to the table starting to eat some eggs, bacon, and toast.

We both finished eating and started walking out our apartment going to Phil's office. We got there and both walked in sitting on the chairs in front of Phil's desk "hey boys, I got a mission for you guys to do" me and dream both nodded "where's the folder?" Dream asked "oh here, sorry" Phil said while handing up a orange folder with papers inside "murdered kids, and a drug dealer" Dream mumbled reading from the paper "what a bitch" I said rolling my eyes and sighing. We both left Phil's office and started walking to the cafeteria building. We already ate but I wanted to meet more people here.

Once we got there Dream smiled at everyone and sat down talking to them, "hi I'm Niki" said a girl with faded pink hair "hi I'm George, nice to meet you Niki" I said smiling at her "well would you like to eat or meet everyone else?" She asked "No thank you I've ate already. I'm gonna meet everyone else" she nodded and I started walking to the tables "A new dude? Since when!? My man what's up!" Said a guy with very much energy and with a blue beanie on, "hi, I'm george" I said smiling at him "Quackity" Quackity? Weird name but oh well "oh this is Karl, he hacks into things, this is sapnap, he goes on missions, and that's bad, he goes on missions as well. His boyfriend is Skeppy and let me tell you, they flirt all day!!! It's so tiring!" Quackity said pointing at a guy with a black and red hoodie with brown hair and glasses. They all said hi and I sat down.

"Where's Tommy and tubbo at?" Asked Karl "they might be in their apartments either still sleeping or playing games" sapnap answered back. Dream looked at me for a second and looked back at sapnap continuing to talk to him. I don't know what dreams deal is but he acts different when others are around.

I started talking to Karl and we had a lot in common, We both like Minecraft and I found out that he lived in England only for 3 years when he was 4 and moved to Florida. He got kicked out at 16 and I got kicked out at 14. I was young and didn't know what to do in my life, I did drugs and would always go to a alley.

One day a person with a hood came up to me and held a knife up to my throat, I fought back and got them off me easily, they asked me if I wanted to join their assassin group and told me about it, I agreed and they took me to the base. I got situated and started to train. My skills were the best and my boss corpse was proud of my work.

A group of our enemy found our base and killed corpse and my friend eret, they killed other assassins in the base and only 3 survived. Wilbur, technoblade, and me. After our base got blown up and everyone got killed I haven't seen Wilbur or technoblade, all I know is they're still alive and somewhere.

"George? George are you ready to go?" I heard with someone's hand waving in front of my face "huh? Sorry, I zoned out" I said realizing it was dreams hand he nodded as we said our goodbyes to everyone. "Let's get ready and go train, I want to see your skills" I nodded and we both started walking to the apartments to get changed.

After we both got changed we went to the training building and started at the gym, we stayed at the gym for about 30 minutes and started heading to the big training rooms "you're probably not even that good, so I'm gonna see what basic skills you have" he said clicking the button to the 2nd floor "you don't know me, how do you know if I'm bad or good at my skills?" I smiled and the elevator door opened to hallway of the 2 doors for the training. We got into the first door which was the neon themed one, we got changed into the clothes we wear on missions and got both of our weapons and put paintballs in them. "Ready?" I smiled and we both ran separate ways.

992 words

Hi, you're very cool and swag. Hopefully you like this story so far! Take care of yourself <3


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