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George's pov:

We got to our apartment and took off our shoes both of us deeply sighing from the long day "I'm so tired but I really need to shower" I mumbled while walking to get a water bottle that was cold "go do that, wanna watch a movie after?" Dream asked as he stood besides me "yeah, sure" I responded and started walking to my room to get a towel and head into my bathroom.

I finished showering and got dressed into pjs "done" I said looking at clay on the couch with pjs on since he showered too, "good! Now what movie?" He asked scrolling through Netflix, "why Netflix? Go on Disney plus" I said as I sat on the couch "yeah whatever you child" Dream said chucking while going on Disney plus "what do you mean? It has all the Disney movies! Those are the best. Can we watch ratatouille please!" I said looking at Dream with puppy eyes "what are you doing? Stop doing that. Ugh whatever" Dream sighed as I put a big smile on my face and clapped lightly "yay!".

As we hit the 40 minute mark on the movie I started to doze off and fall asleep on dream's shoulder.

As I woke Dream fell asleep with his head above my head and the tv showing the credits on the movie, I yawned and stretched a little "Dream" I whispered "hm?" I heard him mumble "go to your room, the movie finished and you're tired" I said to him "nooo, I don't want to" he whined "Dream you have to cmon" I started leading him to his room with all his weight leaning on the side of me, as we got in his room I put him in his bed and put his blanket on top of him, "George, please stay with me" he muttered "are you sure?" He nodded and I started climbing in his bed immediately being snatched and cuddled with, I went stuff and tried to calm down "relax, I'm just cuddling you" dream said smiling with his eyes closed. I finally got comfortable and slowly fell asleep.
Dream's pov:

I woke up to feeling a presence beside me, I looked at what I was cuddling and saw George calmly sleeping, I guess my mind whenever I'm tired got to me. I grabbed my phone and checked the time, it was 1:45. I guess we slept in. George started moving and woke up "good morning" I said to him smiling "morning" he mumbled yawning, "what time is it?" He asked "1:45" he nodded and started to get up "I gotta get to somewhere at 3" I nodded and started to get up too. He went to his bathroom to brush his teeth and I went to my bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready. "I'm hungry" he whined sitting on the couch putting on ratatouille again, "Want eggs and bacon? We can make burritos" he nodded, I got all the ingredients and put it on the counter.

After we finished eating the burritos we went to watch a movie, it was already 2:34 and George said he has to go somewhere. He quickly got dressed and started heading out the door in a rush. I was confused on where he was going but left my worries behind.
George's pov:

I started heading to the cafe that wilbur told me to meet at. By the time I got there it was 2:56, I got out the car and straightened up trying to look presentable.

I entered the cafe to a warm comforting smell, with lovely brown decorations and plants everywhere. I heard a whistle and looked over to see Wilbur, I started walking towards him and sat down on the seat opposite of him. "Hello George! Oh it's been such a long time!" He exclaimed. "Yeah, wilbur. It has" he cleared his throat and started talking again "so, of course the reason I wanted to meet it to start over! I want to catch up Yknow?" I nodded with a straight face "why so serious George? Relax, have a calm time! It's just reuniting with your best friend." He chuckled, "you were never my best friend Wilbur, and if you were that would be a horrible mistake I would want to retake" he nodded and drank some of his coffee "oh George, you're still the same. I remember when you would always laugh and be so happy. You never would be serious, you were such a adoring child."

"Well Wilbur, if you didn't know I'm grown up now." I hissed "Gosh George you're pathetic, I want to restart and you can't just leave the past in the past! Let me do something and try to fucking change things! I know I did things wrong! So let me just apologize!" He snapped at me getting up and banging the table with his fist at the last words, "Wilbur if you're going to say that shit about me how am I supposed to forgive you? You apologize in the most shittiest ways. Plus, those things you did are way more than just a ,I'm sorry' you fucking ruined everything Wilbur" I stated as I got up and left the cafe apologizing to the staff.

I arrived back at the base and opened the gates. I parked the car and started walking to the apartments putting the key card in the pad and unlocking the entrance.

I walked to my apartment met with Dream by the door entrance "now where did you go that you had to leave in such a hurry?" He asked "somewhere" I spoke and walking past him to go into our apartment. "Cmon George! Please I just want to know!" He said following me in and closing the entrance door "ok, but can we watch a movie and I can tell you?" He nodded and we both sat on the couch "I had to meet up with someone from the old company I used to work at, he wanted to apologize for things he did in the past that were very messed up, I met up with him and it just led to argument I guess?" I said looking at the movie that was playing on the tv.

"what messed up things did he do?"

1065 words

Hi guys, I probably won't be posting to the schedule I wanted to for a while bc of something that is going on right now with my private life.
Hopefully you guys understand. I love you all <3


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