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Tw: fire, panic attack
George's pov:

It's been 4 hours that me and dream have been in the gym and doing a 1v1, we were both tired and out of breath.

"I need a shower" I told Dream after drinking water

"Yeah I'm ready to go shower" He said nodding his head

"Alright I'll talk to you later" I said walking towards my room.


After I finished showering it was already lunch time.

Dream was waiting for me in the living room on his phone, once I walked in the room he got up and started heading to the door.

"Niki made some chicken Alfredo pasta, and they said bad made brownies." Dream said as we walked out the building.

"That sounds good" I replied.

We got to the building and started to greet everyone that was there

After we served ourselves we sat down with sapnap, Karl, Quackity, niki, Tommy, tubbo, and ranboo

"Dude it was so crazy! I literally put the guy in a choke hold and full on fucking choked his ass!" Quackity yelled telling us about a mission he had

"Oh yeah! Me and Quackity were singing Taylor swift the whole time!" Karl added giggling with Quackity

"They're literally idiots, the guy heard us because of how loud they were being." Sapnap rolled his eyes at the two boys laughing

"You dickhead! You were singing too!!!" Quackity yelled and the two boys started arguing.

"They're something else" I said after taking a sip of water

"George, how have you been?" Niki asked smiling, "it's been good! I've been enjoying spending time with Dream and the others"

Dream scoffed and looked back at the boys arguing

"Damn big D don't have to be all tough"  Tommy said after seeing dreams reaction.

"Not in the mood Tommy" Dream simply replied

Tommy shrugged it off and stuffed a whole brownie on his mouth before continuing to talk with tubbo and ranboo.

After a while Dream and I were heading back to their apartment

"Dream are you ok? I don't know if I said or did something wrong?" I asked

"No George, It's fine. You didn't do nothing" he said walking faster.

I stayed quiet and continued to walk.

Once we opened the door patches greeted us with a meow and circling around dream

"Hey baby" Dream said squatting down to pet her, he went to a cabinet and grabbed her food to feed her.

Patches ate and I sat on the table on my phone looking at Twitter

"Tommy and tubbo are big" I said looking at their profiles

"Yeah, they've been doing the streaming together for a while. Got big after a video idea I recommended to them." Dream said taking a seat on the other end of the table.

"I'm gonna take a nap, I'm really tired"

Dream nodded and opened his phone as I went into my room.



I heard faint yelling and a ringing in my ears, my eyesight was foggy and everything around me was black

After my eyes cleared up I heard explosions and ash all over

"GEORGE COME ON" I heard someone say as they dragged me out of the room, trying to get me to stand myself.

I looked to the side and finally saw a man with fluffy brown hair, black glasses on and coughing while covering his mouth

"What's going on?" I asked trying to run myself

"I-I don't know! There's just explosions everywhere! I don't even know where boss is!" He said panicking trying to find a exit

"What? You don't know where boss is? Where- where is everyone else?"


After running through a couple of hallways there were yelling of other people and some screaming

"OSCAR GET UP!" He heard someone say as they passed a room

"Wait! People are hurt!" I said trying to let go

"George stop! We're gonna die!"

"No! No stop! Let me go!" I yelled, finally unattached from the man and running trying to help others

As I tried to help someone there was another explosion in the room next to us

"I can't! Just go George" the man said faintly before passing out

I started to run out of the building after finding a window to escape from, as I looked back the building was ashes, the structure falling apart and multiply screaming.

I couldn't breath, I couldn't move, I fell to the ground and screamed until my lungs couldn't handle it.

"George! George!" I heard a faint voice

"George get up!" I heard before waking up and gasping for air, my cheeks sticky with dried tears and my eyes hurting.

"George? Are you alright?" Dream said with his hands on my shoulders

"Y-yeah" I said with a raspy voice

"Are you ok? Did you have a nightmare?" He asked, I nodded and started to breath regularly.

"It's ok George, It's fine" Dream said comforting.

The same nightmare as any other day, but this time it was longer. It was worse.

839 words
Hi guys :,) I'm so sorry for not posting. I honestly just don't have the motivation to write, but I'm trying to finish this book for you all! I love you all so much and thank you for the support <3


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