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George's pov:

We went back to Charlie's car and started heading to the base

"So what did you want to eat?" Dream questioned

"Oh uhm... we could make some pancakes?" I said smiling at him

"Sounds wonderful, we'll make that" he said smiling back at me.

We arrived back at the base and said our goodbyes to Charlie, we headed up to our apartment after having little conversation with hannah and boomer. I opened the door and walked in smiling as patches came up to me meowing. "Hello dear" I said as I petted her "pft who said that was your cat?" Dream said rolling your eyes "well since I am living with her it makes sense" I giggled. "Whatever" Dream replied as he started to open covers and getting ingredients out.

"Alright I got all the stuff, can you make some eggs and bacon?" Dream said stirring the batter

"Of course!"


We finished cooking and started to place the food on plates. Dream was putting cat food in patches's bowl so she'll be able to eat at the same time with us. We both sat down at the table and started to eat,

"So, how are you liking here so far?" Dream said as he drank his water

"It's fun, I like it. Everyone is nice and welcoming too" I smiled

"That's good, has there been anything that bothers you or whatever?" He said looking at me

"Well no, there's nothing that really-"

I got cut off by my phone going off

"Sorry" I apologized looking at the contact name

1- ***-***-****

Wilbur's contact? I said to myself raising my eyebrow at the screen,

"Who is it?" Dream asked.

"Uhm, it's Wilbur." I said looking up at him

"Answer it and put it on speaker" he said eating some of his pancake, I nodded and answered the call.

"George! You killed my man! I mean he didn't matter as much but that's not really cool of you, George." Wilbur said tsking afterwards "what do you mean?" I questioned looking at Dream,

"George you killed my man today."

"Your man? You have people working for you?" I asked looking down at my phone

"Yes George! Just understand not to kill my man! My boss is already pissed at me enough!" He hissed going silent after

"Wilbur what do you mean by your man"

"No one is by you right George? I'm trusting you here." Wilbur muttered into the phone

George looked at Dream "no, there isn't anyone"

"George don't lie to me!" Wilbur shouted

"There isn't Wilbur"

"I work for a guy George, he's the best of the best. The worst of the worst. It's an honor to work with him! So that's why I was asking for you George, to join me. But you wanted to be a little bitch and whine" George rolled his eyes and scoffed

"I was not a bitch" George said

"Whatever you say sweetheart, just don't kill my men ok?" Wilbur said, hanging up.

"Hah, sweetheart" Dream mumbled chuckling

"Shut up" I said looking at him

"So he said he works for someone huh? So he's a bad guy" Dream said pointing at my phone

"I guess so? He said worst of the worst. We could go ask philza about anyone that's the worst of the worst" I snickered smiling

"Alright then, let's go" Dream said getting up from his seat. I followed and we both exited.


We sat in philza's office waiting for him.

The door suddenly opened and philza came in with a smile,

"Hello boys, what's up?" He said sitting down at his desk

"So, there's this person I used to talk to. He called today saying I killed one of his men, which I'm guessing was the person you wanted us to kill today. He said he works for someone that's a very well known bad person. Do you have any idea who?" I explained to Phil

"Are they in this area?" He questioned looking at his computer typing something

"I believe so" I replied

"Alright, then he May work for Jschlatt. He's a well known person for selling drugs and having illegal weapons and substances." Phil said taking out a folder and passing it to us.

"We've been trying to get him for some years but never succeeded."

"How did you get a person with such short details?" Dream asked surprised

"I mean It's pretty easy, as I said Jschlatt is well know for the things he does." Phil responded while taking back the folder "and who's this guy you're talking about that might work with him, George?" He added

"He worked at my last job with me, he's the one that blew up the base" I said to Phil

"What's his name?"


"Wilbur? What's his last name" Phil mumbled

"Wilbur soot"

"Wilbur soot... does he have brown hair?"

"I know what you're thinking Phil, yes your son Wilbur" I said as Philza went pale

"He works for a drug dealer? Is that why he hasn't called me once or visited?" Philza said looking shocked

"Perhaps" I responded back to him

"Ok... I got what you guys wanted. What else do you want?" Phil said after clearing his throat

"Would you think we'll be able to do the mission to get this Jschlatt guy?" Dream said looking at Philza

"It's a risk Dream, I wouldn't want nothing happening to you guys even if you guys are well experienced"

"Philza, we could stop him after all these years, give us a chance?" Dream asked while sitting up from his chair

"I'll think about it, Dream." Philza said as me and Dream began to leave the room after saying goodbye to Philza

"You think this Jschlatt guy is all that?" I asked Dream looking up at him

"I don't know, seems like he had a big ego though" Dream responded while the elevator opened.

983 words
Hi guys, sorry I'm not uploading a lot. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter !


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